
Cessi la repressione! Il 24 marzo, una data da ricordare

Ci sono almeno tre eventi drammatici da ricordare il 24 marzo. In ordine cronologico: la strage nazista delle Fosse Ardeatine, Roma 1944; il golpe militare in Argentina, Buenos Aires 1976; l’assassinio di Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero,  arcivescovo di San Salvador…

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Pinco pallino

Camposampiero says immediate ceasefire and peace talks urgently needed

National mobilisation in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the victims of all wars. On 5 November a national mobilisation for peace will take place in Rome, Italy, with the slogans “immediate ceasefire, negotiation for peace”, “ban all nuclear weapons”,…

70 States unite to call for action on autonomous weapons at UN General Assembly

Last Friday, for the first time ever, 70 states from around the world came together for it to make a joint statement on killer robots. It is the largest inter-regional group statement ever made in UN discussions on autonomous weapons…

Leila M. de Lima: “drug war’s” prisoner of conscience

Here’s the next part of Pressenza’s two-part interview with political prisoner Leila M. de Lima – former senator, justice secretary, and chairperson of the Commission on Human Rights – conducted by journalist Perfecto Caparas. De Lima discusses challenges to the rule of law…

30 By 30: Wild Land Workers Need a Fivefold Salary Increase to save 30% of Global Wild Lands by 2030

The first-ever study of its kind stresses that earnings of natural park staff  must increase for the health of life on Earth Governments around the world have come together to potentially commit to protect 30% of the planet’s wild lands by 2030. The…

Battle for the Earth: The Dangerous Deception of “Net Zero by 2050″. Part 3

The most dangerous deception for climate protection at the moment is “Net Zero 2050.” All the climate culprits – Big Oil and corporate-friendly governments – have been quick to adopt this as the new climate target, but it has two…

Meta threaten to end canadian news content on its platform

The federal government’s proposed law requiring internet giants to negotiate commercial agreements with Canadian media disturbs Meta, Facebook parent company, which threatens to end the sharing of Canadian news content on its platform. We believe the Online News Act misrepresents…

From 24 to 30 October, United Nations celebrates Disarmament Week

A disarmament agenda to save humanity and our future Disarmament Week seeks to promote awareness and better understanding of disarmament issues and their wide-ranging importance. Beginning on 24 October, the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the week-long…

Battle for the Earth: The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Baffling Strategies (Part 2)

In his book, The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet, climatologist Michael E. Mann reports how powerful fossil fuel interest groups are still pouring millions of dollars into covert operations targeted to boycott meaningful climate action.…

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