
The Ladder: A Conversation with the Incarcerated Poet İlhan Sami Çomak, Part IV

I learned to read by reading the Bible. For me, the Bible was a giant black book with the engraved image of the Sacred Family on the cover. I used to love the words printed there with straight letters. Gold…

How Myth Can Save The World: An Interview With Pía Figueroa

By Sonja Ryst When Pía Figueroa Edwards was fifteen years old, she began to study the work of the Argentine writer Mario Rodríguez Cobos, also known as “Silo.” His philosophy, which explores how to end human suffering and attain self-transformation,…

Nicole Myers: “We are definitely working on the Yes Road”.

We spoke with Nicole Myers, New Yorker, Silo messenger and co-promoter of the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection, near New York City. The conversation was part of the commemoration of the “Mission of the 80s”, a series of…

Sofía Scasserra: “A supranational digital economy is being generated, over our heads”.

A few days ago, the Transnational Institute published the report: Digital Colonialism, an analysis of the European trade agenda. “Cuatro elementos” interviewed Sofía Scasserra, research associate at the Transnational Institute, to discuss the key points of the report. Q: Remind…

Valeria Emmi (Cesvi): violent conflicts are the main cause of hunger in the world

Faced with the worrying trend of the recovery of the problem of hunger in the world we asked some questions to Valeria Emmi of CESVI (see bio at the bottom of the interview), in an attempt to better understand and…

Loueila Mint: “There is nothing more revolutionary than treating others well”.

We open this second series of builders of the future, with the Saharawi lawyer and activist, Loueila Mint, protagonist of the documentary Aquí estamos by Javier Ríos, in which the plight of migrants arriving in the Canary Islands from Africa…

Penelope Moro “Bolivia must put an end to impunity because we cannot allow this to happen again”.

With the support of more than 100 human rights organisations, the family of Sebastián Moro launched an international campaign a few days ago to demand justice for the Argentinean journalist murdered in Bolivia during the coup d’état against Evo Morales…

Interview with Reiner Braun: Reimagining a Better World

A few days before the IPB World Peace Congress 2021 in Barcelona, we talked to Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) about how the peace movement, trade unions and the environmental movement can come together, why…

Chile. “If there is gas collusion, then distribution should be done by a public company”: Sector workers

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), as well as Natural Gas (NG) is imported to Chile mainly from Argentina and the United States through the sea. It arrives in the country at two regasification plants: the one in Quintero and the one…

The Ladder: A Conversation with the Incarcerated Poet İlhan Sami Çomak, Part III

When I started writing this interview with Ilhan Sami Çomak, I imagined a way to escape from prison. If I were in Ilhan’s position, I think I would think about it all the time. Lacking any handyman skills, I wouldn’t…

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