
Deputy Hirsch argues that the Right is trying to prevent citizens from being informed

The Comptroller General’s Office of the Republic has granted an injunction from Christian Democrat deputies against the Minister of the Presidency, Giorgio Jackson, in which it states that the government authority “did not comply with the requirement of independence” by…

“We are Bahá’is too”.

For weeks now, messages have been multiplying on social networks denouncing the repression and violation of human rights in Iran. Journalists, teachers, filmmakers, activists, etc. have been suffering persecution and arrests, seeing their homes demolished… or simply disappearing. Among them…

Why clothes don’t just make people

Although Gottfried Keller was right when claiming that clothes make people, particularly the way that clothes are produced, consumed or disposed does so much more – in regards to human rights abuses or environmental damage, for instance. Diana Sanabria, who…

Building a Social Media Community for change–Creating awareness about “Brown Women’s Health”

Ameek Bindra is a recent graduate from the University of California, Berkeley with a passion for preventative medicine and culturally competent healthcare. With a background in Data Science and Human Biology, Ameek has worked at institutions like UCSF Innovation Ventures,…

Listen to us!

Greetings, my name is Camilo Wajuyata. I am a young Shuar of 32 years of age from the indigenous community Chinimp (Palora, Ecuador) who is always in front of my people looking for any support in order to collaborate in…

“Raising Hope and Keeping Fear Away”, Paulina Acevedo, President of ANAMIC, in dialogue with the Forum on Communication for the Integration of Our America

Chile is going through a very important historical juncture. On September 4, a binding plebiscite will take place in which the population will decide whether to leave behind the current Constitution, imposed in its essence by the Pinochet dictatorship, or…

A conversation about Leo Romeo Valentino’s my heartbreaking jibberjabber/ Part 2

We continue with our conversation with Leo Romeo Valentino about his collection of poetry titled, my heartbreaking jibberjabber. In part I of the interview, Leo Rome Valentino says, regarding his life as a poet, “I don’t think poets are made.…

Prominent sexologist Rodrigo Jarpa proposes a new approach to sex education for girls and boys

How to educate sexually intelligent children brings together the author’s 15 years of work in talks on comprehensive sex education in schools around the country, where he has collected doubts, questions and fears of parents on this subject. The book…

Tunisian World Wildlife Fund Commits to save Mediterranean turtles

Sea turtles, also known as marine turtles, have been classified as endangered species by WWF (World Wildlife Fund). In its official website, WWF stated that “nearly all species of sea turtle are now classified as endangered, with three of the…

How do we get out of the global crisis? Interview with Roberto Kohanoff

The world is in turmoil. After two years of an atrocious pandemic that turned the world economy upside down, a merciless war on Europe’s doorstep has thrown it into turmoil. Is it the destiny of humanity to be swept away…

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