Central America

A strategy against divisiveness and disillusionment

“Utopia is on the horizon. I walk two steps, it moves two steps away and the horizon runs ten steps further. So, what is utopia for? That’s what it’s for, it’s for walking. This famous phrase, popularised by Eduardo Galeano,…

Victorina’s way

When Victorina agreed, she was already perched on a tyre tube crossing the waters of the Rio Grande. The shouts of the other migrants brought her to her senses. What time was it? Maybe it was 1 or 2 a.m.,…

Cuba to hold International Biotechnology Congress in April

The Cuban Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry Group (BioCubaFarma) has called on the global scientific community to attend the BioHabana 2022 International Congress, it was announced today. According to a press release from the organisation, the event, scheduled to take place…

“Latin America has missed the boat on industrial policy and innovation”, Alicia Bárcena

The head of the United Nations economic commission for the region believes that “the culture of privilege has naturalised inequality” and sees the subcontinent’s development model as “exhausted” – Ignacio Fariza 6 February 2020 – El País – An interview…

Honduras: “A vote of punishment for those who sank the country”.

Massive vote and overwhelming victory for Xiomara Castro and the opposition coalition. Reconciliation does not mean impunity. When, on Sunday night, the electoral authorities released the first preliminary report showing the presidential candidate of the opposition alliance, Xiomara Castro, leading…

Hondurans break the siege of the US-backed narco-government: Xiomara Castro, new president of Honduras

Brian Nichols, the State Department’s top official in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, visited Honduras the week before the presidential elections. The objective was to “promote the peaceful and transparent conduct of free and fair national elections”. Nichols did…

Xiomara Castro, the rebirth of Honduras

The humiliations suffered by undocumented Central American migrants who try to cross Mexico to reach the United States, seeking safety from the institutional violence of the narco-state, in the case of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, have hurt a lot.…

Latin America and the Caribbean: An optimistic reading amidst waves and gales

The global pandemic deepened the precarious conditions of the majorities, generated by capitalist financialisation, and cruelly revealed the shortages and inequalities produced by the neoliberal order, only attenuated in some places by progressive social systems of containment. By Javier Tolcachier…

Cuba: Five Years After Fidel

Fidel Castro died five years ago, but I feel like decades have passed in Cuba since November 25, 2016. Trump arrived and passed slowly with his string of sanctions that have felt worse than ever because of the pandemic. Then…

Elections in Honduras: The challenge of ending twelve years of neoliberalism

Honduras is at the most important crossroads of its recent history. On November 28, more than 5 million Hondurans will be asked to elect the President of the Republic, 128 deputies to the National Congress, 20 to the Central American…

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