Central America

The hidden hand of the US blockade sparks Cuba protests

Protests erupted in various Cuban cities the weekend of July 11 over dire economic conditions and a surge in Covid-19 cases. They are the biggest protests to hit Cuba in three decades, and they may well continue in the coming…

The United States Tries to Take Advantage of the Price Cubans Are Paying for the Blockade and the Pandemic

Cuba, like every other country on the planet, is struggling with the impact of COVID-19. This small island of 11 million people has created five vaccine candidates and sent its medical workers through the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade to…

The rebellion of the Latin American peoples and the future

The historic victory of Pedro Castillo as president-elect of Peru strengthens in geopolitical terms the wing of progressive and left-wing governments and the actions of regional integration of a sovereign and supportive nature in the region. Beyond the virulent counter-attack…

The need for digital democratization is gaining space in the social agenda

With the aim of understanding and socializing the characteristics of the current techno-digital system and identifying strategies of struggle to curb the unwarranted corporate monopolistic appropriation of these technologies, the Sessions “Utopias or Dystopias. The Peoples of Latin America and…

The US embargo against Cuba. Interview with Cuban Ambassador to the Czech Republic

For more than 60 years, a US economic embargo has hit Cuba and several UN resolutions have not been enough to put an end to these sanctions. The issue is also very topical because thanks to the numerous solidarity missions…

Cuban artists fight repression through song, social media and hunger strikes

Cuban rappers are a visible part of the resistance This article was written anonymously by an author in Cuba, using the fake name “Luis Rodriguez” Historically, the political system in Cuba has repressed any form of opposition, including legitimate proposals…

Selective perception

About 500 children and teenagers cross the northern border every day. One of the great violations of rights against children and youth is perpetrated before the eyes of the world, without generating the slightest act of compensation or the urgent…

Cuba: the embargo, the vaccine, the right to health and the white rose

A few days ago I met with Alonso Mederos, the Cuban Ambassador in Prague, for an interview on the topic of the pandemic and vaccines. Cuba is working intensively, testing five vaccines, two of which are already in phase III.…

Please, Latin America, Take Care of Your Children

Last week, President Biden nominated Vice President Harris to oversee the immigration issue at U.S. southern border, where thousands of unaccompanied minors are arriving from Central America. A few days later, ex-President Trumps said that “he will probably visit the…

The Trump Administration’s Parting Outrage Against Cuba

By Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores On January 11, in his final days before leaving office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo added one parting blow to the series of bludgeons his administration has inflicted on Cuba for four years: putting…

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