North America

Homage to Lewis Warsh: So Long

Literary         by Daniel Owen saying goodbye is always one way to keep the past from vanishing completely. you can say it over and over again, while you still can. what can be said anyway about how…

Homage to Lewis Warsh: All Poets Welcome For Lewis Warsh

LITERARY         by John Casquarelli He calls me into his office, gives me a copy of The Origin of the World and Our Friends Will Pass Among You Silently. I stare at his bookshelves, half-listening. He smiles…

Homage: A Poem and Ten Haikus in Loving Memory

LITERARY         by Amyre Loomis Not Alone on Saturday at 2 AM For Prof. Warsh, LIU English 503, October 2010 2am night moon and window light wakes-up my four bedposts just walked up tar path past the…

Homage to Lewis Warsh: from DEAR LEWIS

LITERARY         by Lisa Rogal Dear Lewis, The one nice thing about dead people is you can tell them anything. Dear Lewis, I feel I should tell you a story. My dad said you’ve got to have…

Homage to Lewis Warsh: Days of the Week

LITERARY         by  Sarah Anne Wallen  for Lewis       Monday the crossword is easy Tuesday begins with a “T” Wednesday I get a bodega coffee and pay in quarters Thursday I find three free books…

Homage to Lewis Warsh: Closer to You

LITERARY         by Tamara Lebron Phil likes to spend time jotting down notes in a small, worn-out yellow notepad that he carries around all day, every day. He keeps it in his pant back pocket, folded and…

Homage to Lewis Warsh: Blaze Your Own Path

LITERARY         by Zahra Patterson We met in a dimly lit room My heart was pounding Just watching and waiting for the moment He began to speak very slowly I was drawn in from day one Every…

Homage to Lewis Warsh: Fetch

LITERARY         by Desiree Rucker Yes, Professor, I am working. I am now, as you once were, (How did I term it that day in class?) “Representing for The Man.” When all else fails there is always…

Why Drones are more Dangerous than Nuclear Weapons

THREATS TO INTERNATIONAL LAW AND WORLD ORDER Weaponized drones are probably the most troublesome weapon added to the arsenal of war making since the atomic bomb, and from the perspective of world order, may turn out to be even more…

Nobel Laureates Urge Humanity to Stop ‘Taking Colossal Risks With Our Common Future’

“We need to reinvent our relationship with planet Earth. The future of all life on this planet—humans and our societies included—requires us to become effective stewards of the global commons.” Warning that “time is running out to prevent irreversible changes”…

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