North America

The U.S. Is Trying to Light the Match of Islamic Extremism in China’s Xinjiang

“Kashgar is a key location for the land and sea interface of the Belt and Road, connecting not only westward to West Asia, Europe, the Red Sea, and Africa, but also southward to the Indian Ocean through the port of…

When Women Become Allies to Save Watersheds and Wildlife

The word “Minnesota” derives from one of two Dakota words, either Mni Sóta meaning clear blue water or Mnissota meaning cloudy water. Just one letter can change the entire meaning. Just one oil spill could ruin the entire ecosystem. By…

Daniel Berrigan and his fearless nonviolence, at 100

“One is called to live nonviolently,” Daniel Berrigan once wrote, “even if the change one works for seems impossible. It may or may not be possible to turn the United States around through nonviolent revolution. But one thing favors such…

How Maya Culture Can Teach Us to Reevaluate Ourselves

Two semesters ago I took a course at SUNY Cortland called Maya Culture. Going into this class, I was expecting to learn the history of the Maya, and how the effects of colonialism still affect them today. What I was…

Almost Everything Biden Said About Ending the Afghanistan War Was a Lie

While Americans hailed the announcement that the U.S. would withdraw troops from Afghanistan after nearly two decades of war, President Biden left out the most important details about the war and how it will in fact continue. By Sonali Kolhatkar…

The China Fear Factor

America vs. China: “A Clash of Civilizations” Hillary Clinton famously said, “’I don’t want my grandchildren to live in a world dominated by the Chinese.” During his tenure, President Obama launched his “Pivot to Asia,” moving 60% of US naval…

Chris Wells: Three songs in the key of hope and joy

INTERVIEW/MUSIC         Pressenza interviewed Chris Wells, one of the singer-songwriters and producer, featured in the album, Songs for Sala, released and available on bandcamp: Chris Wells is a songwriter, actor, teacher and Siloist based in New…

For Earth Day 2021, New Yorkers rally at the iconic Unisphere in Flushing Meadows, Queens and call for City Council to pass nuclear disarmament legislation – Resolution 976 & Introduction 1621

On Earth Day 2021, New Yorkers rally at the iconic Unisphere in Flushing Meadows, Queens. Call for City Council to vote and pass nuclear disarmament legislation.  Resolution 976 & Introduction 1621. For Earth Day New York members of the New York…

Increasing Desperation as the U.S. Capitalist System Declines

Like all previous economic systems in recorded history, capitalism is on track to repeat the same three-step trip: birth, evolution, and death. The timing and other specifics of each system’s trip differ. Births and evolutions are commonly experienced as positive,…

An Easy Test of Whether Democrats Are Faking It

When Democrats were handed the U.S. Congress in 2006 to end the war on Iraq, and they escalated it in order to “oppose” it in the 2008 elections, it’s possible some of them were not being completely forthright and respectful…

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