South America

The Pink Tide Surges in Latin America

While the political balance between progressive and reactionary states south of the Rio Grande continues to tip to the left, even the corporate press pronounced Biden’s June Summit of the Americas meeting in Los Angeles a flop. Most recently, Colombia…

Tracing gold: the illegal gold supply chain in Brazil

On 15th July, Instituto Escolha published research with a proposal to implement a system capable of certifying the origin of Brazilian gold, thus restraining its illegal trade, which is responsible for a massive threat to the lives of indigenous peoples…

Competition is poisoning our hearts

Since the social outburst of October 2019, our country has been on a rollercoaster of events and emotions. Democracy has shown signs of strength because the institutions have fulfilled their role, but it has also shown a dark side in…

Collective construction as a beacon for Mapuche women of Neuquén

Last Saturday the “First Meeting of Mapuche Women of the Zonal Council of the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquén” took place in the Lof Campo Maripe. Women from different communities met with the intention of creating a space to address different…

Colombia, June 2022

5 July 2022. El Espectador There are days and months full of meaning, like May 68 when students and workers took the spring and the streets of Paris to protest against capitalism and imperialism, and De Gaulle had to anticipate…

“Producing healthy food at fair prices is food sovereignty”.

The Unión de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de la Tierra (UTT) launched the “Corredor Patagónico Soberano”, a 4500-kilometre route in which a truck distributes healthy food in Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Negro, Río Negro and Chubut. They manage to reduce transport…

How far to the left will Boric want to go?

President Gabriel Boric is confident that his Tax Reform will find the broadest support in the National Congress. If we take into account the current political make-up of the Legislative Branch, this means that this initiative would have to be…

Democratic constitution, guaranteed rights and an active state

The Constitutional Convention has fulfilled its task. It opened the doors of democracy, allowing women and men in parity, native peoples, young people, representatives of the regions and those who had never participated in the country’s decisions, to deliberate in…

Mayor of Padre Hurtado and gun ownership: “We have only one option: to disarm Chile”.

Felipe Muñoz Heredia said that given the situation it is imperative to go deeper into the issue of gun ownership. He also called for an increase in the number of police officers in the commune, which currently has 65 officers…

A historic process: thank you, constituents!

After a historic process where it was not the political class installed decades ago, but the nations that make up Chile who decided to give us a new Constitution; after a democratic and parity election; independent of the result, of…

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