South America

Towards a sociology of the native peoples of Peru

The fact that 48 native languages are spoken in Peru is an indicator of the complexity of “being Peruvian”. We propose a look beyond multilingualism in order to achieve true social inclusion. From a socio-historical perspective, afterwards the discovery of…

Missed opportunities

Citizen action is the most effective weapon against abuse of authority. The possibility of bringing about change in a political, economic and social system, such as those currently prevailing in our countries, which are advancing so precariously under pseudo-capitalist regimes…

The media-constitutional terrorism of Rejection in Chile: Fake News Carnival

“Most of the polls will say every day, until the last one, that the Rejection wins; that’s what they are paid for. If they instill fear in you, there is nothing left to do but, as in the dictatorship, overcome…

Ecuador: The ghosts of the National Strike

After 18 days of mobilisations throughout Ecuador, which had their final epicentre in Quito, the indigenous organisations signed an agreement with the national government, bringing to an end what they called the “first stage” of the strike. A period of…

Second day of dialogues: a look from the Network of Ecuadorian Anthropology and Collective of Anthropologists

Interview with the Ecuadorian Anthropology Network and Collective of Anthropologists What is the opinion of the Ecuadorian Anthropology Network on what happened during the second day of dialogue between the representatives of the five state functions and the representatives of…

Learning to narrate peace: Other narratives to write the future of the new Colombia

Published in Mundo Obrero In the new country scenario, shaped by the popular support for the Historical Pact and by the recommendations of the Truth Commission report, there is room for all classes and ages, all options and looks, all…

End the violation of Milagro Sala’s rights

On the 29th of June this year 2022, President Alberto Fernández traveled to the province of Jujuy to visit Milagro Sala, who is hospitalised after suffering a deep vein thrombosis. The president, the last time he had met with Milagro…

I approve or reject, dangerous dichotomy

While it is difficult for us to have a “government of the people”, we could at least aspire to it being “with the people” and “for the people”. Certainly, those who have reached La Moneda belong predominantly to a generation…

Milagro Sala hospitalised: statement from her lawyers and medical report

Statement from Milagro Sala’s defence team Yesterday, in the context of a growing context of judicial political harassment, Milagro Sala was admitted to the Los Lapachos Clinic with a case of thrombosis. This happened after Sala went for routine tests…

Decentralising power in Chile

Yesterday President Boric transferred the presidency of the Regional Committee for the Use of the Coastal Zone to the Regional Governments, taking a decisive step toward the decentralisation of power in this matter. This is a “historic decentralising transfer, which…

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