South America

Chile today: a laboratory to revive democracy. Interview with Giorgio Boccardo, Undersecretary of Labor

In one of the darkest moments in the history of humankind, while the 21st century is starting as badly as the previous one, the horrible news about the war in Ukraine is overshadowing a positive fact, which gives a sign…

Brazil: Why (and how) do we still have to talk about 13 May?

For 300 years, the Negroes of the African continent were subjugated and enslaved in various parts of the world, including Brazil. It was three centuries of dehumanisation of millions of people. Today, 134 years afterwards its legal abolition in Brazilian…

Interview with Marcelo Castillo, spokesperson of the Coordinating Committee for the renationalization of Copper and Big Mining in Chile

We interviewed Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle in his capacity as spokesperson for the Coordinadora por la Renacionalización del Cobre y la Gran Minería, as we were interested to know what he thinks of the deliberations that have taken place regarding the…

Educating by example

In a world where discourse is increasingly distanced from behaviour, the phrase once uttered by Albert Einstein becomes relevant: “Educating by example is not one way of educating, it is the only way”. Educating and teaching are two words that…

Boric pledges $35 billion increase in Conadi budget for land purchases

Today, Wednesday, for the first time, a session of the National Council of Conadi (National Corporation for Indigenous Development) took place in the Palacio de La Moneda, which according to the Mapuche councillor, Francisca Huirilef, was a historic milestone that…

Camilo González Posso “In Colombia there is a non-constitutional state of affairs, there is no democratic regime”.

  Go to download In an interview with Camilo González Posso, president of the Institute for Development and Peace Studies, Indepaz, we will talk about the current situation of the Peace Accord in Colombia and the work that the new…

Chile: The Constituent Assembly paves the way for a new development model

Last Saturday, May 7, the Constitutional Convention (CC) approved the norms that configure a new type of State in the economic-productive sphere, which opens the way to the construction of a development model that could put an end to neoliberalism.…

Let’s push forward

Stop criticising the Constitutional Convention and the government, which is just beginning, many say, and they may be right. By Margarita Labarca Goddard Remember that when Michelle Bachelet was president of this country, she said that for the good of…

The culture of oblivion

The human brain has a mechanism capable of eliminating the memory of pain. Over the years, the most decisive events in the history of humanity take on the sepia tinge of old photographs. They are gradually transformed into legends or,…

Discussion about Chile’s new constitution

LIVE SHOW on Thursday May 19 at 9 AM EST A humanist look at this profound transformative process. There are few moments in life where we have the opportunity to make a major social transformation. Chile’s new constitutional process is…

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