South America

The Constituent Assembly. The ghost that haunts Warnken

I appreciated Cristián Warnken and his “Belleza de Pensar”, when he devoted his time to literary interviews. I can’t say the same now that he has turned to politics. His yellow effort, which brings together those upset by the transformations…

The tricks of the discourse

The incessant flow of information has us on the verge of total scepticism. The world is in the midst of an underhand struggle, where there is no fire on the front lines and no victims to be seen falling. It…

“I call to reject the Rejection”, Marco Enriquez-Ominami

We spoke with Marco Enriquez-Ominami, a Chilean-French politician and a reference point for Latin American progressivism. Philosopher, filmmaker, former deputy, four-time candidate for the Presidency of Chile, founder of the Progressive Party, the Progresa Foundation and the Puebla Group. By…

Privilege vs equality before the law

This week we learned of the verdict that sentenced Nicolás Zepeda to 28 years in prison and the payment of a $150 million compensation for the crime of Narumi Kurosake that occurred in 2016 even though the victim’s body has…

Mapuche: good practice manual for journalist

The guide “Manual of good practices for media coverage of Mapuche issues” urges the press to use appropriate and non-discriminatory language in relation to the Mapuche. Published on the website of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung by Mapuche journalists Stefanie Pacheco-Pailahual and Paula…

“The State cannot continue to treat its universities as if they did not belong to the State”, President Boric

In his first official appearance as Patron of the campus, the president also announced that the government is working to incorporate the U. de Chile Clinical Hospital into the public health network. “The first meeting of the commission to address…

A Nation at a Crossroads; Gabriel Boric Unmasks the Diverse Faces of Chile

by Maxine Lowy Winds of change, fueled as much by politics as by the pandemic, framed the rise, campaign and inauguration of Gabriel Boric, 36, who took office March 11 as the youngest president in Chile’s history. It is a…

Article 1 of the new Chilean Constitution

(Graphic) State COM 2 > CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES, DEMOCRACY, NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP ARTICLE 1 – Chile is a social and democratic State governed by the rule of law. It is plurinational, intercultural and ecological. It is constituted as a Republic based…

Bridgestone and Huawei: the power of workers

On 11 February this year, the 1550 workers of the Japanese multinational Bridgestone in Argentina received the first half of last year’s “profit sharing” bonus. They will receive about $6,000 each when they receive the second payment on 11 May.…

On a point of honour

The development and health of girls and adolescents run up against a thick wall of prejudice and ignorance. It is enough to go to the official website of the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, to check the situation of children…

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