South America

I want to talk to you (me)

Childhood observes this world, listens to this life. What it hears, is it that we would like? What she sees, is it what is right? From where do children look? From what values would we like them to build this…

12 October: “Original Argentina. Genocide, looting and resistance”.

The denied genocide, the dispossession of land and the struggle of the indigenous communities are the central themes of “Argentina Originaria: genocides, looting and resistance”, a book that traces the continuities of state violence and also gives an account of…

The heartbeat of indignation in Chile

In these seven months of government in the hands of President Gabriel Boric, the possibility of greater social justice is vanishing day by day. In the meantime, all the positions of political power are remaining in the party of order…

I like the students who in recent history have rebelled against an education policy based on violence.

On my screen I read a news item (1) from emol that says: “Study reveals that 36% of educational establishments perceive worse levels of violence than in 2019”. Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle First of all, I am very preoccupied by the…

No Street, no Planalto

In Brazil, those who won in the first round of the elections are the ones who are most preoccupied with the uncertainty of the second round in three weeks’ time, which will determine whether former president Luiz Inacio Lula da…

Who will be the next President of Brazil (issues to think about in times of elections)

It does not matter who assumes the Presidency on 1 January 2023. Once again, the Brazilian bourgeoisie will have won the elections. I am not referring only to the results it achieved in terms of the composition of the National…

Chile: Let’s revalue education

Figures released by the Chilean Ministry of Education on school dropout rates for the year 2021 indicate that nearly 40,000 school-age children and young people abandoned their studies in the last year, 53% of whom are male and 46%, female.…

“To my octogenarian colleagues, if you feel the urge to write, do it… we have many adventures and experiences to share” Simón Maturana

We publish here the interview with Simón Maturana, Chilean storyteller who at 87 years old is soon to publish the novel, Promesa Bajo los Magnolios, and the book of short stories, Aventuras de Ayer, Para Nacer Hoy. Yesterday, To Be…

Argentina. The government once again represses the Mapuche people

In the early hours of this morning (4), by order of the Ministry of National Security, a “unified command” made up of federal forces of prefecture, gendarmerie and federal police with the collaboration of the provincial police of Río Negro,…

Energy efficiency: The new technologies driving this trend

In the midst of the climate crisis, several local associations have signed commitments to rethink their processes and take the step towards the migration to cleaner energy matrices, where new technologies are fundamental to their concession. Just a few days…

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