South America

US’s Flaunting of Diplomatic Immunity Challenged in Court – Imprisoned Venezuelan Diplomat Contests Extraterritorial Judicial Abuse

Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab’s case took a dramatic turn as his legal defense team denounced the US government’s flagrant failure to respect long-standing diplomatic immunity conventions. Saab’s lawyer, David Rivkin, called the US government’s arguments before the 11th Circuit Court…

Boric on his first month in government: “We have taken off with turbulence”.

On Sunday, the first month of the new government, President Gabriel Boric held a meeting with his entire cabinet in his private home located in the Yungay neighbourhood in downtown Santiago. Evaluating everything that has been done and also the…

Our menstrual cycles: demonised and costly

The period, the month, the issue, the period, the mens, “Andrés came”, Juana la colorada, “it came”, “I’m sick”, indisposed. You’re nervous: are you menstruating? You are hysterical. From menstruation onwards, you become a “señorita”. Menstruation is a hidden and…

Chile: Women workers create Feminist Trade Union Platform: Women in struggle take up their labour rights

According to the platform #SindicalismoConNosotras, more than 150 women gathered on April 1st at the launch of the self-convened feminist portal that seeks to revitalize the way of doing trade unionism and be a tool of defense for workers, especially…

In the vicious circle of the same model

It took only two weeks for the right wing and big business to dispel their fears about Gabriel Boric’s presidential victory. In just a few days these sectors managed to install an economist of their confidence in the Finance Ministry…

Chile: Between oxen there is no goring

PREAMBLE In many of our articles we have referred to the implacable struggle that the Chilean ‘political elite’ is waging against the national community. It may seem surprising and even illogical that political organisations created precisely to defend the interests…

Agroecology’s responses to the reign of biased thinking

Two economists, in a recent column published in the newspaper El Destape, have launched themselves into a series of prejudices about the production and commercialisation of agroecological fruit and vegetables. The Iriarte Verde cooperative has responded to the falsehoods published…

A Minister of Education who focuses on school coexistence

Immediately afterwards the 2010 earthquake, at Fundación Semilla we took on the task of supporting schools in the devastated area of the O’Higgins Region, through Post Traumatic Stress Containment programmes. Soon after, we realised that the stress was caused by…

Young combatants in Chile, yesterday and today were violated by the State

An altar has been lit up in Estación Central on the evening of every 29th March for 37 years. Near the corner of 5 de Abril and Las Rejas they celebrate the life of Rafael and Pablo Vergara Toledo and…

OAS: “Yes, there were human rights violations in Bolivia during 2019”.

The Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States (OAS) received on 02 March the Final Report of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI-Bolivia) on the massacres, extra-summary executions and other human rights violations that occurred in Bolivia during…

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