South America

Colombia one step closer to decriminalisation of abortion

The Constitutional Court ruled, on 21 February, in favour of decriminalising abortion to make the procedure viable up to 24 weeks or six months of gestation. After more than 500 days since Causa Justa filed the lawsuit to eliminate the…

President Castillo to be presented with the Agenda Grande de la Amazonía Indígena

The Interethnic Association of the Peruvian Jungle (AIDESEP) announced the elaboration of the Great Agenda of the Indigenous Amazon that will be presented to the government to generate public policies in favour of the indigenous peoples. Among the main axes…

No need to destroy “the good” => for people “like us”: the yellows

This group nostalgic for the years of Concertación’s reign, says: “Call for reflection in the constitutional debate”, as if in Chile there has been no reflection, particularly from 18 October 2019 onwards … Of course, there has been reflection on…

Violence remains relentlessly, how Colombia is failing to protect social leaders.

Colombia has been living with one of the longest armed conflicts in the world. A peace agreement to end the more than 50-year-old armed civil war was signed in Havana, Cuba, in 2016 between Colombia’s Military Forces and the insurgent…

Francia Márquez, Colombian presidential pre-candidate, visited New York.

Colombia is preparing to go to the polls to elect representatives to the House and Senate of Congress, and then the presidential elections, if the primary elections on 13 March are passed, Francia Márquez of the movement <> will represent…

Feminist and lesbian elected as new President of the Chilean Humanist Party

Natalia Ibáñez Donoso will lead the process of re-founding the Humanist Party in Chile. In an internal vote carried out by the Humanist Party militancy, Natalia Ibañez Donoso, a 34-year-old feminist and lesbian, was elected as the new President of…

Inopia of the soul

15 February 2022, El Espectador On some pavements of Bogotá’s southern highway, they sell huge chunks of meat, offal hanging from itinerant hooks, splattered by the pollution of cars and the mud left by yesterday’s downpour. There are herbs for…

Elections in Colombia: Prospects for Change and Lack of Guarantees

With legislative and presidential elections coming up in Colombia, the supposedly “oldest democracy in Latin America” will see if it can consolidate the most precarious and recent peace on the continent. By Lautaro Rivara The Latin American and Caribbean electoral…

Rules of Procedure: The best interests of children and young people

We are just a few days away from the return to classes in Chile, hoping that there is a consensus that these classes will be face-to-face because the consequences of the pandemic and online classes have been devastating, especially for…

Chile’s Constitutional Convention Commission approves restitution of land to native peoples

This Friday the Fundamental Rights Commission of the Constitutional Convention approved a proposal for a norm that proposes to restore and reintegrate lands to native peoples. The initiative was voted in favour by 23 constituents and rejected by 10 of…

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