South America

Marilén Cabrera, humanist, nominated as Undersecretary of National Assets for Boric’s government

Twenty men and nineteen women make up the cabinet of Undersecretaries that will form part of Gabriel Boric’s government from 11 March. The team of Undersecretaries is made up of eleven independents, eight members of Revolución Democrática, six of the…

[Peru] Miguel Ángel Zapata: “The poet cannot live in harmony with the world”.

By Sol Pozzi-Escot In a reality like ours, what paths does art offer us? The great poet Miguel Angel Zapata* from Piura welcomes us. -Before discovering himself as a poet, he was interested in painting. What is it that first…

The ten “truths” of Argentina’s agreement with the IMF: the Fund’s own version?

Without much shame, the government published “The 10 truths of the agreement with the Fund”, which gives the impression that it was written by the expert communicators of the International Monetary Fund itself, with a lot of experience in disguising…

Ecuador: Survivors of sexual violence demand legislation to protect their rights

“I am a survivor of sexual violence in childhood and I am here to demand that legislation be passed by listening to our life experiences”, began S. Altamirano’s appearance on Tuesday 25 January before the Plenary of the National Assembly…

Coalition, not collision

25 January 2022. El Espectador I am sending this column hours before the meeting of the Coalición Centro Esperanza (CCE) announced for Sunday night, so everything can change; but so far, it would seem that history has not been a…

Deforestation for gold mining has increased by 90% in the Amazon region

Gold mining is already the second biggest cause of deforestation in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon, according to a scientific study. Deforestation caused by gold mining has increased by 90 % in the southwest of the…

Magic, reality and hope

Latin America is a continent where magic is permanently mixed with reality, from the streets of Macondo in García Márquez’s “100 Years of Solitude”, the stories and novels of Cortázar, or those of Horacio Quiroga and so many others, we…

Chile: Historical debt to teachers

Another big step in the struggle for the payment of the so-called “Historical Debt” was taken by the Metropolitan College of Teachers of Chile, led by its President Mario Aguilar, together with 15 members of the Chilean teachers’ union, by…

The long road to nonviolence

Six months ago, in this same space, we proposed replacing the national motto with one that discarded violence as a way of relating to each other or of resolving conflicts and looking to the long term, because “what can we…


Lima, 21 January 2022 Mrs. Mirtha Esther Vásquez Chuquilín Mirtha Esther Vásquez Chuquilín President of the Council of Ministers Present. Subject: We, the trade unions of Petróleos del Perú Petroperú, in view of the serious and irremediable damage caused by…

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