South America

Constitutional Commission approves opinion of insistence on law restricting referendums

Source: The text, drafted by the group chaired by Patricia Juárez, rejects the remarks of President Castillo, rejecting that the law affects the right to citizen participation or that it violates the constitutional principles related to the referendum. The…

A national campaign in defence of water

Fifty social and environmental organisations are promoting a campaign for the care of and access to water as a human right. They question the activities that pollute it and propose the democratisation of the commons. Lake Colhue Huapi covered 53,000…

Popular constituent initiative to renounce and repudiate the war

With the proposals presented by the social base, through a virtual platform, the process of incorporating popular initiatives into the drafting of the new Chilean Constitution is being carried out. Among these initiatives is the one presented by one of…

The sad childhood of the pandemic

Current living conditions place limits on childhood development. As my friend Susana said: “When we see children every day, we don’t realise how much their behaviour has changed. They are sad. This one-off observation has made me reflect on the…

When “MAS” becomes less

By Rafael Bautista S.* An unjust and even useless war has been unleashed (against Vice President David Choquehuanca), because what it will provoke is not even to put an end to the supposed “competence” of the “sole leader”, but rather…

La Chinganera: third album Hija Natural, with an unprecedented show, accessible to deaf people

Jorge Coulón (Inti Ilimani), Miguel Angel Pellao (Tenor Pehuenche), Evelyn Cornejo, Angelo Pierattini, Juan Flores (ex Arak Pacha, Inti IIlimani, Illapu, among others) and jazz drummer Carlos Cortés, are some of the musicians that make up the third album by…


Our democracy doesn’t have to spend its life fighting over the country between two antagonisms. We are free to rebel against the karma of polarisation and overcome this mania for trading fears like footballer’s monkeys. We can choose to be…

IACHR Court to review quilombolas’ ancestral land claim

The case concerns 152 communities affected by the failure to issue land titles, the expropriation of land and the unconsulted installation of an aerospace base. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) will review the case of the Quilombola communities…

“Don’t look up” and the stereotyping of female characters

The film “Don’t Look Up”, which presents a series of criticisms of current American society (which can be extended to capitalist societies in general) unfortunately also brings with it the disqualification of the figure of women, present in all the…

Transition Test: It makes no difference where you are born or where you study

On January 11, the results of the Transition Test (PDT), the instrument used to determine university entrance, were made public in Chile and, once again, it is clear that it does not matter where you are born or where you…

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