South America


4 January 2022. The Spectator Colombia, fourth day of the year 2022. The notebook has 365 pages. They say that the pages are blank, but it is not true: they are tattooed with the emotions, illusions and disappointments of the…

Eviction order against Lof Quemquemtreu still pending

One month after the murder of Elías Garay, the Río Negro judiciary ordered the eviction of the Mapuche community in Cuesta del Ternero. The defence lawyer for the lof considered the ruling a “clear act of racism”, but her request…

Boric’s government and international priorities

Foreign policy does not have an autonomous purpose, but is a substantive component of any development strategy. The type of external openness that has characterised our country in the last forty years has been consistent with the productive model of…

Facing fears makes us freer

Fear is the bodily and/or psychological reaction to a thought that arises in the brain, based on past or imaginary experiences, when faced with the projection of the occurrence of an undesired event. It is an adaptive response for survival…

Chile: New Conventional Table

During the week the vote took place for the renewal of the board of the convention responsible for drafting the new constitution. The first board had agreed to stay for one term and now it is time for another. The…

Mar del Plata free of oil companies

Tuesday, January 4, downtown Mar del Plata. While thousands of tourists are enjoying the sunny afternoon, thousands of local residents are demonstrating next to the local casino and the most popular beaches of the city. It is a peaceful but…

For the deprivatisation of water, the rights of nature and the protection of glaciers: More than a thousand social organisations back popular initiative to the new Constitution

Modatima, the Movement for Water and Territory (MAT) and the Coordination of Territories for the Defence of Glaciers worked together on a proposal of articles that were sent today to the Technical Secretariat of the Constitutional Convention. Once approved, it…

Integrating architecture

Latin America is one of the most urbanised areas on the planet, with 82% of people living in cities. It concentrates 17% of its urban population in just six megacities, each with more than 10 million inhabitants. Therefore, one of…

Collective murals from Chile to Italy. Interview with Eduardo “Mono” Carrasco

We had the opportunity to interview Eduardo “Mono” Carrasco, a famous Chilean muralist exiled in Italy since the military coup. He still lives in a small village in the province of Alessandria and, although held back by Covid, he is…


28 December 2021. The Spectator Last column of 2021. This year, five million people died in the world on account of COVID-19, not including the suicidal who were not infected by the virus, but collapsed from isolation, hunger or abuse;…

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