Indigenous peoples

The Rebellious Seed

Violence against indigenous peoples has only made them stronger. Throughout our America, but also in the rest of the world, the harassment and criminal violence against indigenous communities that do not give in to the invasion of their territories has…

The failure of President Boric’s indigenous policy

In repressive and unjust conditions, which erode the Mapuche people’s right to freedom, it is necessary to break the silence, especially when the position we have been forced to take is defensive, in the face of militarisation, which installed forces…

Development as Service

Initiatives of the Global South have much to contribute to the discussions on development, sustainability and climate change, especially when it comes to changing our behavior. The world is constantly making new agreements on how to combat climate change, restore…

Rivers have no borders, the slogan of their defenders in Peru

“Water is part of our culture, it is intrinsic to the Amazon,” says José Manuyama, a member of a river defence committee in his native Requena, a town located in the department of Loreto, the largest in Peru, with 28…


We are only 4,500 m ASL, after having climbed up to almost 5,000. These are the lands of the vicuña that Coquena cares for so much, and which coexist with the llama, the guanaco and the alpaca. We are in…

Shin Misik Photography Exhibit: The SAN PEOPLE of the Namibia Kalahari Desert

Korean photographer Shin Misik had literally brought the San people of the Kalahari Desert to the gallery. Some large-size framed photographs of the astonishing ancient African native people and their habitat. The landscape images depicted vividly on them, artistically captured,…

Indigenous issues in the draft constitutional bill: key aspects for an informed debate

After almost a year of intense work, the Constitutional Convention has just presented the first draft of the new constitution. In the coming weeks, it will now be up to the Convention to draw up the final draft, which will…

The indigenous decolonial project

Public opinion polls show a progressive increase in the rejection of the project for a new Chilean Constitution. According to analysts, what favours rejection is the gap between what the constituents have drafted and what Chileans want. According to the…

It is the Season of Lies

Statement on the South Cotabato SP members’ vote to the amend the South Cotabato Environment Code   We, the Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. – a network of 230 civil society organizations across the Philippines – express solidarity with the Diocese…

Why ‘Bolivia Is the Center of the World’ for People’s Movements

Adapted from Rogelio Mayta’s speech to the Progressive International’sSummit at the End of the World on May 12, 2022. Humanity finds itself at a crucial moment. It’s not only war and climate change that threaten life on our planet. Ideologies…

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