Peace and Disarmament

Greece, Municipality of Gavdos supports TIAN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

Gavdos, the southernmost municipality in Europe, responds to the Greek government’s call to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons TIAN. By Decision 21/2022, the City Council of the Municipality of Gavdos unanimously decided to: To…

CODEPINK: Stop the War in Ukraine. April 9 Online Rally

As the conflict in Ukraine rages on, we, the peace-loving people of the world, must raise our voices to demand a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement. Listen from some of the sharpest politicians, analysts, and organizers around the world about…

“Conflicts should be resolved through negotiations, not war.”

The following interview was conducted by Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau, 1910 Nobel Prize winning organization over e-mail in recent days with Oleg Bodrov and Yurii Sheliakhenko, two peace activists from Russia and Ukraine respectively. Can…

No more wars and a ban on nuclear weapons

Who is responsible for the conflict? It is not known how many Ukrainians have died, nor how many young Russians were forced to fight. Looking at the pictures, it will be in the thousands, if we add the physically disabled,…

“The policy of the USA has always been to prevent Germany and Russia from cooperating more closely”

Historical, political and economic background of the Ukraine war Interview by Thomas Kaiser with Jacques Baud Jacques Baud holds a master’s degree in Econometrics and a postgraduate degree in International Security from the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Geneva…

Kings Bay Plowshares 7 and supporters Walk for Peace and Nuclear Abolition

On this, the 54th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination and in commemorating the life and witness of one of our nation’s greatest apostles of peace and nonviolence. From Riverside Church- the site where Dr. King first…

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. – April 4, 1967 – Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence [Full Speech]

55 YEARS AGO TODAY, Martin Luther King delivered what’s been called his ‘most dangerous speech.’ ‘Beyond Vietnam’ not only questioned the US war in Vietnam. He linked racial injustice to US imperialism. Exactly to the day the next, MLK was…

Wars lie!

No war has the honesty of confessing “I kill to steal”. By Eduardo Galeano Wars always invoke noble motives. They kill in the name of peace. In the name of God. In the name of civilisation. In the name of…

The Red Scare

(IDN) — In 1954 I attended Queens College during the years before Senator Joseph McCarthy finally met his comeuppance at the Army-McCarthy hearings after terrorizing Americans for years with accusations of disloyal communists, waving lists of blacklisted citizens, threatening their…

“We don’t have much time to change the course of history”

On the occasion of the Asian Peace Conference that took place on the 3rd of April 2022, Pressenza editor, Tony Robinson gave an intervention on the subject of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy in Asia and the need to eliminate…

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