Peace and Disarmament

From Donbass, against war and against peace

A traveler crossing the vast steppes of south-eastern Europe, of what used to be the USSR, would not differentiate its Russian part from the Ukrainian part, neither by the natural nor by the human landscape. The name of these lands,…

Ukraine Update: Possibility Of Putin-Zelensky And Putin-Biden Meeting

Citing Russian presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky, who leads the Russian delegation to the talks with Ukraine, an Istanbul, March 29 datelined media report said: By Countercurrents Collective Russia has suggested a meeting between Russian and Ukrainian Presidents, Vladimir Putin and…

April 4 NYC: Walk with KBP7 for Peace and Nuclear Abolition

To mark the fourth anniversary of their action the Kings Bay Plowshares Seven and supporters are planning a Walk for Peace and Nuclear Abolition beginning at Riverside Church in NYC and ending at the Isaiah Wall at the United Nations.…


We can get a rough idea of the US political elites’ involvement in the military biological activity in Ukraine if we rely on open sources as well as leaked documents. Below is an attempt to reconstruct the chronology of this…

Ukraine Negotiations: No Fly Zone, Nukes, Neutrality, and Disarmament

Ukrainian and Russian lives will continue to be shattered until either a ceasefire or completion of successful negotiations are announced. Regardless of whether we agree with him or not, President Biden’s statements that Vladimir Putin cannot remain in power and that…

Appeal by Nobel Peace Prize winners against war and nuclear weapons

Open Letter From Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and Citizens of the World Against War and Nuclear Weapons: We reject war and nuclear weapons. We call on all our fellow citizens of the world to join us in protecting our planet,…

Ukraine Being Destroyed by Proxy War, Not for Peace or Sustainable Future-Making

Witness to Killing and Destruction – Ukraine fast becoming the Epic Centre of Cataclysm By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. Cynicism about politics is endemic across all cultures. When intelligent people think and plan war, it negates the very human nature…

U.S. Peace Council Statement on Russia’s Military Intervention in Ukraine

What we all hoped would not happen has happened. The Russian Federation sent troops into Ukraine on February 24 in response to decades of relentless US-led NATO provocation. The present situation puts many serious, fundamental questions before the global peace…

Yanis Varoufakis: The West Is “Playing with Fire” If It Pushes Regime Change in Nuclear-Armed Russia

A month after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 3.6 million Ukrainians have left the country as refugees, and the war risks becoming “an Afghanistan-like quagmire,” warns Greek lawmaker Yanis Varoufakis, founder of the Progressive International with U.S. Senator…

A new planetary configuration after the war in Ukraine, II

The Phoenix bird is a figure present in several Eastern cultures, known in Russian mythology as Anivia. Every five hundred years it is consumed in fire and is reborn from its ashes. For civilisations it symbolises hope, poise, memory and…

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