Peace and Disarmament

Fossil and nuclear fuels must be stopped in the face of barbaric warfare

The fight against the climate emergency is today more than ever a cry for peace. The invasion of Ukraine and the European Union’s sanctions show once again the enormous dependence of the economy on fossil fuels and how they have…

Putin and Zelensky resign! I renounce war and nuclear weapons!

The title of this article has a problem: my renunciation does not prevent war and my request seems very much out of touch with reality. What is real, therefore, are wars and nuclear weapons to destroy human beings of all…

Gerardo Pisarello: “I have hope in the people organised against wars”.

Last Thursday 3rd, we spoke with the Spanish MP for En Comù Podem about the invasion of Ukraine, how we have reached this situation and what we can do to give peace a chance. We share the video of the…

On war, Russia, Ukraine and the conflict with NATO

On October 29, 1995, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Silo*(1), gave a conference on The Theme of God*(2), where he mentioned some futures: one of them is that we are in conditions for the emergence of a new civilisation, the first…

Demonstration in repudiation of the conflict in Ukraine

In front of the former National Congress in Santiago, where the Constitutional Convention is currently in session, a demonstration took place yesterday, called by the humanist organisation “World without Wars and without Violence”, in which participated -among others- the recently…

My existential experience of the war in Ukraine

I write this brief note thinking of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of people like me who have suffered and continue to suffer the psychological and moral torture of having been pushed to live through a war and to take sides…

There is only one winner in the Ukrainian war: the US

Many are surprised by Russia’s sudden and violent reaction, which is to be expected if one pays attention to the processes and not just the details. Already in 2007, in the Europe for Peace declaration, it was said that Europe…

NATO-Russia war in Ukraine

An end to military occupations. This crisis shows how nothing has really changed since the end of the Second World War. The mercantile, crude and warlike vision still rules the world. From all sides, propaganda information assures us that all…

From Moscow: No to war!

History is a hall of mirrors. The parties change places and roles and reflect each other with incredible precision, the grotesque distortion achieved by the curved mirrors of propaganda only highlighting that they are identical. It is impossible to build…

War in Europe again

Unfortunately, we are once again at war in Europe. What a culture we have that does not know how to resolve its conflicts peacefully! What a terrible history of wars we have in our culture! By Juan Espinosa I have…

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