Peace and Disarmament

Renaming Memorial Day as Loving Life Day

Here comes the Memorial Day weekend, a propaganda opportunity for the System to promote the country’s militarization. The holiday was established following the Civil War, the costliest and deadliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 620,000 of 2.4…

Pictures from the Palestinian support demonstration in London

Last weekend, approaching 200,000 people took to the streets of London and other major British cities to show their support for the Palestinian people who are facing brutal oppression in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli military. The good…

It’s Past Time to End U.S. Funding of Israeli Violence

What else could billions of American tax dollars buy instead of innocent deaths? By Sonali Kolhatkar At the end of 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic was continuing to ravage the populations of many nations, Israel stood out as a success…

Coalition to Rally Ahead of BlackRock Shareholders Meeting

CODEPINK and allies will call on CEO Larry Fink and shareholders to stop making a killing on killing – Rally outside BlackRock offices on May 25th WHAT: Rally and protest *****VISUALS FOR PHOTOGRAPHING***** WHEN: 11:30 a.m. ET on Tuesday, May…

Israeli Jews Call: “Stop Israel’s Apartheid!”

An Open Letter to the International Community We, Jewish Israelis, oppose the actions of the Israeli government and hereby declare our commitment to act against them. We refuse to accept the Jewish-supremacist regime and call upon the international community to…

Why We Must Prevent the U.S. From Launching a Hybrid War Against China

U.S. President Joe Biden’s budget proposal for the next fiscal year was recently announced, and it requests $715 billion for his first Pentagon budget, 1.6 percent more than the $704 billion enacted under Trump’s administration. The outline states that the…

As Violence Escalates In Israel, Parents Circle Becomes A Catalyst For Change

In its continued efforts to extend a hand of peace and reconciliation, the joint Israeli-Palestinian organization, Parents Circle-Families Forum (PCFF), on May 10 held a vigil against the violence which ignited in Jerusalem at the start of Ramadan and continues…

Palestine solidarity sweeps the US as Israel continues assault on Gaza

Hundreds gathered in Terry Schrunk Plaza in downtown Portland, Oregon with signs denouncing the violence that is now crushing the Gaza Strip’s over two million residents. At this storytelling rally, Palestinians — who are so often rendered invisible in discussions…

‘Criminal Complicity’: Outrage as Biden Pushes $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel Amid Gaza Slaughter

“Approving more weapons to Israel would add fuel to the fire and would only embolden Israel to continue its bombardments on Gaza.” By Jake Johnson Human rights advocates warned Monday that the Biden administration is deepening U.S. complicity in the…

The “Other Side” of the Story: Combatants for Peace

When we pick up a newspaper or turn on a television news broadcast, more often than not, information focuses on conflict, violence, disaster. Nationally and internationally, it seems an increasing number of broadcasts and publications skew focus and create confusion…

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