International issues

The Setsuko Thurlow Rose, a Rose of Hope

In the year that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons enters in force, a new variety of rose will be planted in Spain. The Setsuko Thurlow Rose, a rose of hope, will be planted in a prominent rose garden…

Prioritising health 01- It’s not about handouts…

“Putting everything into the function of health and education, the extremely complex economic and technological problems of today’s society will have the right framework for their treatment. It seems to us that proceeding in the opposite way will not lead…

Tibet sympathizers to lodge protest against China’s aggression

Guwahati: Bharat Tibbat Sahyog Manch, an umbrella body of Indians supporting the Tibet Mukti Sadhana (Tibetan freedom movement) has decided to observe this year’s October 20 as a protest day against the Communist regime in Beijing. On this date in…

The Status of Crimea Is Far More Complicated Than Western Media Admits

“If there were a moral to be drawn from the Crimean War which might apply to the present it would be this: in a war between Russia and the West, it is the powers which keep out who will be…

The United Nations Food Systems Forum (UNFSS): where corporations continue to define our food systems and control our diets

The Pre-Summit of the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) taking place in Rome, as a preparative stage to the New York September Summit, is, as expected, going in the wrong direction. As many civil society members, as well as past…

Let Cuba Live—The Movement Standing Up to Biden’s Maximum Pressure Campaign

On July 22, U.S. President Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris released a “fact sheet” on U.S. “measures” against Cuba. The release from the White House said that Cuba was a “top priority for the Biden-Harris administration.” On…

Does it take a pandemic to relaunch European social dialogue?

One of the unwitting effects of the pandemic crisis has been to remake the case for dialogue between social partners to solve major problems. By Christophe Degryse Hundreds of thousands of seasonal workers crossing Europe to help with the harvest…

Which Intelligence Agencies Gave Wings to the Pegasus?

Pegasus, the winged divine horse from Greek mythology, symbolises a range of things. The mythological salad can include many symbolic narratives — ranging from soul’s immortality to poetic inspiration — even the Marxist eschatological myth of the withering away of…

Letter from the Consul of Western Armenia in Argentina: “Model of religious freedom and coexistence?”

I do not know the Secretary of Culture of the Islamic Centre of the Argentinean Republic (ICRA), neither I have the pleasure to get to know someone who shapes circumstances with malicious intent when writing, distorting true historical facts, introducing…

Pegasus Spyware: UN Urges Better Regulation of Surveillance Technology

The UN voiced alarm Monday at reports that several governments used Israeli phone malware to spy on activists, journalists and others, stressing the urgent need for better regulation of surveillance technology. By Countercurrents Collective Media reports said: The UN High…

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