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      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta tortor risus, eu scelerisque quam vulputate in. Donec elementum justo aliquam facilisis convallis. Nam placerat lectus eget commodo faucibus. Curabitur molestie convallis sapien, sed pretium nulla molestie…

Psychological, Emotional, and Moral Injuries of War

How we characterize the injuries sustained by veterans in war is crucial both to our understanding of the war experience and to the healing process. I have argued elsewhere that to ignore, trivialize or subsume the whole of the veterans’…

UnMasking the Truth

People are now rushing to buy costumes and scary props and decorations in time for the upcoming Halloween celebration. In stores, you will find many Halloween-related products like masks, costumes, toys, make-up, and other scary items that children would like…

Scientists predict arrival of vaccines to treat cancer

Scientists are optimistic about a vaccine to treat different types of cancers through the technology used to fight the coronavirus. “We believe that a cure for cancer, or to change the lives of cancer patients, is within our reach,” said…

Philippines: 85 Imported Spray Paints Found to Contain Lead Above the Legal Limit

EcoWaste Coalition, IPEN seeks stringent enforcement of lead paint law to safeguard human health 23 October 2022, Quezon City.  Paints containing lead above the legal limit continue to be exported from China and Thailand to the Philippines despite a national…

Happiness is called coherence

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some…

As Covid Adds to Dire Health Concerns, Doctors Implore UK & US to Release Julian Assange

Following the recent outpouring of support for Julian Assange at rallies around the world, and the revelation that Assange is in isolation for a positive Covid-19 test, a group of doctors has written to the new UK Home Secretary and…

BAN Toxics celebrates their 16th founding anniversary

QUEZON CITY, October 11 — Environmental Watchdog and Non-Government Organization BAN toxics kicked off a month-long celebration of their 16th founding anniversary with public events commemorating Consumer Welfare Month (CWM) 2022 throughout the entire month of October. Founded in 2006,…

Water Salinity and Women’s Health-related Vulnerabilities in the Coastal Areas, Bangladesh  

by Aziza Hena   Bangladesh, one of the lands most vulnerable to the impact of climate change, is experiencing a gradual sea-level rise each year. A study shows that the estimated sea-level rise on the Bangladeshi coast will jump up…

Milagros’ Three Angels: A Glimpse of the Significant Personalities Behind the De Castro Foundation Hospital, Inc.

It is rare to find three generations of doctors with the same name, Dr. Angel, serving and leading a foundation hospital for six decades and still counting. -The joy of cultural mapping by Dr. Genevieve Balance Kupang On August 23 up…

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