Humanism and Spirituality

The White-West: A Cultural Dictatorship of Money

Every day of late, we seem to hear a warning that goes something like this: “Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the very real fact that authoritarian forces are on the rise and that democracy is under attack across…

Declaration for a world without wars and violence

We all recognize the escalating violence that plagues our planet. It is not something new. Violence has always been there because it is inherent in the system we live in.  At times we are shaken by the spectacle of war,…

Day by day and experience

There is no doubt that we are living in a world that surprises us day by day, however I can assure you that there are also people who don’t expect anything and nothing surprises them. Some say that this state…

Budapest for Peace!

Under this slogan, people with torches formed a peace sign on Heroes’ Square in Budapest yesterday. After the Humanist Movement first called for such an event in March 2004, which was imitated in many countries, Greenpeace invited Hungary to this…

On war, Russia, Ukraine and the conflict with NATO

On October 29, 1995, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Silo*(1), gave a conference on The Theme of God*(2), where he mentioned some futures: one of them is that we are in conditions for the emergence of a new civilisation, the first…

My existential experience of the war in Ukraine

I write this brief note thinking of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of people like me who have suffered and continue to suffer the psychological and moral torture of having been pushed to live through a war and to take sides…

Humanist Institute of Systemic Prognosis

Launching of the IHPS The IHPS is based on the current of thought New Universalist Humanism, which emerged in the 1970s from the intellectual and social work of Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos (1938-2010). Systemic forecasting refers to the prospection of…

De-Escalate the Conflict In Ukraine

In Solidarity with Ukrainian & Russian Citizens who Do Not like War and a Prayer of Conversion for Those in Power in Russia  On Sustainable Peace To live harmoniously and peacefully alongside each other despite our differences is the way. Joining…

Antonio Carvallo Interview Dr Vinya Ariyaratne

Pressenza Interview with Dr Vinya Ariyaratne, President of Sarvodaya the largest NGO in Sri Lanka reaching with their message of compassion and nonviolence over 15000 villages in the country. Transcript: I am Antonio Carvallo editor of presence and member of…

Feminist and lesbian elected as new President of the Chilean Humanist Party

Natalia Ibáñez Donoso will lead the process of re-founding the Humanist Party in Chile. In an internal vote carried out by the Humanist Party militancy, Natalia Ibañez Donoso, a 34-year-old feminist and lesbian, was elected as the new President of…

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