
The Poet’s Job

POEM   The work of a poet is to look up in the sky in its unchanging morning azure and ask why its color never languished, never turned into crimson. Or into verdant maybe, because it gave all those to…

COP 26 – Hidden Agenda: The unspoken argument for more nuclear power

So here we are again at another COP (Conference of the Parties). Well, some of us are in Glasgow, Scotland at the COP itself, and some of us, this writer included, are sitting at a distance, trying to feel hopeful.…

COP 26: “There is a generation that is going to turn the tables on climate change”.

From Glasgow-Scotland, where COP 26 is taking place, Pressenza’s programme Cuatro Elementos interviewed Melissa Moreano, professor and researcher at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Ecuador, member of the collective Geografía Crítica-Ecuador and the Latin American and Caribbean Platform for Climate Justice.…

COP26: Conclusions of the Intercultural Dialogue on Climate Change Delivered

The conclusions of the Intercultural Dialogue between Indigenous Peoples and Abya Yala governments on Climate Change were delivered today by the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) and the Presidency of COP25,…

“Some clues for nonviolence”: 9 – The visceral rejection of violence

We transmit to you the study “Some clues for nonviolence” carried out by Philippe Moal, in the form of 12 chapters. The general table of contents is as follows: 1- Where are we going? 2- The difficult transition from violence…

Like Locusts, Lobbyists Swarm COP26 in Glasgow

Global warming causes global swarming. In 2018, Indian Ocean cyclones hit Oman and Yemen, creating conditions for an outbreak of desert locusts. Swarms grew throughout 2019 and 2020, two of the hottest years on record. Swarms with 80 million insects…

Step up! A call for more civil courage and social responsibility

It was a cold Saturday evening in November when I was walking through my favourite food market. It seemed to be my lucky day today! When I approached the stall of my friend Antonio (name changed) where I usually get…

Thailand and Bangladesh: The Chittagong-Ranong Port Connectivity Potential

by Pathik Hasan Bangladesh and Thailand are neighbors, connected by the Bay of Bengal. The development of these maritime ties would benefit both countries in terms of trade, investment, and regional communications. The two countries are in talks to sign a…

Ephemeris of the vicious attack on the Gdeim Izik camp

Moroccan special forces raid the house of the Jaya family and inoculate Sultana and her mother with unknown substances by intramuscular injection. Paramilitary elements belonging to the Moroccan occupying forces broke into the house of the family of Saharawi activist…

Spiritual Worlds

From the moment we look out into the world and begin to uncover it, we configure a reality that is the sum of our perceptions and also of a certain “factory sensitivity” that all human beings bring, with which we…

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