
Lima Group Loses Lima

The Canadian instigated Lima Group has been dealt a probably fatal blow that ought to elicit serious discussion about this country’s foreign policy. But, don’t expect the media or politicians to even mention it. By Yves Engler In a likely…

Ecuador: Environmental defenders sentenced to pay 151,000 dollars to palm grower

Four Afro-descendant farmers, defenders of the environment, will have to pay 151,000 dollars to the company Energy Palma, which exploits African palm in the province of Esmeraldas. Judge Fernando Saldarriaga of the Multicompetent Unit of the San Lorenzo canton, ruled…

(International Campaign) Pegasus Espionage: End the global trade in spyware

An Indian-led initiative is trying to ensure that the scandal surrounding the large-scale use of NSO Group’s Pegasus cyber-weapon does not simply die down (as previous scandals have). We reproduce this call to organise and continue campaigning around some basic…

Iranian people are constantly rising up to overthrow the illegitimate regime

by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury The existential enemy of the Iranian regime are the Iranian people. The regime is deadly afraid of them. It tries to prop up terrorist proxies across the region to project power. But it is severely…

OP-ED: What lies ahead for the Taliban?

Economy, hunger, drought, poverty are challenges the Taliban now faces While world leaders and international organizations are eagerly awaiting for the chicken to hatch from the Taliban’s government, they have begun to implement the Islamic Sharia to govern the nation…

‘Let’s Coffee Chuncheon’ world coffee festival and Art of Africa initiative in Korea

ART     When it comes to coffee, I have been fond of tasting it with all of my senses. And, considering the origin country, I could do it happily considering that it could be from anywhere in the world!…


POEM      Truth: yours is a stark strange and terrible beauty   I love you above all things You’re always there at labyrinth’s end like the Minotaur like Death   You point me to what I truly have: no…

The Home in my Heart

POEM     There are times When I feel a deep longing To make my way back there.   The home, deep in the recesses Of the heartland.   There, I can rest a bit. Feel the inspiring warmth of…

PEC condoles demise of Afghan journalist Fahim Dashty

MEDIA     Geneva/Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland-based global media safety body, expressed condolences over the death of prominent Afghan journalist Mohammad Fahim Dashty, who fell prey to clashes that erupted between the Taliban fighters and the national…

Wicked cleansing

POEM   by Lara Arikan I am washing my face and hands in the bathroom. Yes, my face, my hands. Over and over in the light. I’m washing the backs of my hands first, and then the palms, then the…

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