
Jeremy Corbyn: “We must learn the lessons of a two-decade war in Afghanistan”

In his Facebook page Jeremy Corbyn expresses solidarity with the Afghan people and calls for a quick response to the refugee emergency in the region. “All our thoughts today should be with the Afghan people who have endured decades of…

Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle: “This moment humanity is experiencing can be seen as a door or a hole”

Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle commented on the current situation: “This moment humanity is experiencing can be seen as a door or a hole”. The decision to fall in the hole or walk through the door is up to you.…

World Humanist Forum-Asia: Connecting for Collaboration and Action

August 15, 2021. The World Humanist Forum- Asia was officially launched with the participation of over 105 individuals, many representing humanist organisms and other NGOs/groups, all sharing the same vision of a non-violent and non-discriminatory humane world, and working in…

Bangladesh’s Ashrayan-3 Project (Bhasan Char Project): Is An Example For The Whole World To Deal With Refugees

The whole world saw the Rohingya refugee’s influx towards Bangladesh in 20217. The Rohingya people have been displaced from their homeland (Rakhine in Myanmar) by the Myanmar military Junta regime. Then, Rohingyas take shelter in Cox’s bazar area in Bangladesh.…

Afghanistan: So What Do the Filthy Commie Peaceniks Say Now?

So, people get hurt when you stop waging wars, and peace is dangerous, and . . . and . . . well, women’s rights! What do the stupid peace lovers say now? Well, here’s what this one says: On September…

Code Red for Humanity

“It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred.” By Domenico Barbato and Manlio Pertout  – The Human Exploring Society This is the…

Prosecution and civil death

In Turkey, the first conscientious objectors publicly declared their objections in the early 1990s and stood up against war, the military and compulsory service. At first there were only a few who decided to go public, like Vedat Zencir, Tayfun…

Assange High Court appeal

As you are no doubt aware, Julian Assange appeared at a further court hearing last week. We regret to report that he looked aged and unwell as a result of his continued incarceration. The High Court hearing on 11 August,…

The Gift: A recipe on asking for that which we truly need

On humanism and spirituality     As a student in an all-girls Catholic school, we all went to Mass every Friday. After communion, the priest encouraged us to pray for our intentions before ending the mass with a “going away…

Adelina Gurrea’s book: Cuentos de Juana

Fil-Hispanic Literature     Hola Karinita, I finished an article in Spanish for Revista Filipina—a digital journal on Hispanic Filipino literature, culture with an academic bent.  It’s on Adelina Gurrea’s book of short stories that are marvelous, Cuentos de Juana. …

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