
How Not to Prevent U.S. Military Suicides

If I were to just read the admirable recent study of U.S. military suicides from the Costs of War Project, my inclination would immediately be to join with President Biden and start proclaiming the war on Afghanistan a success, or with Obama…

The United States Tries to Take Advantage of the Price Cubans Are Paying for the Blockade and the Pandemic

Cuba, like every other country on the planet, is struggling with the impact of COVID-19. This small island of 11 million people has created five vaccine candidates and sent its medical workers through the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade to…

The Roots of Violence – episode 3 – Iran 2001 to 2021

Welcome to the third in our series of interviews in which we look at the Middle East region and try to understand better what is going on there. The view from the West is that it is a very violent…

U.S. leaves Afghanistan with its tail between its legs

“I charge the white man with being the greatest murderer on earth. I charge the white man with being the greatest kidnapper on earth. There is no place in this world that this man can go and say he created…

A past of exclusion: the abuses of the Algerian regime against the Kabyle people

Independent Algeria was born in 1962. However, Kabylia, as a region is the base of a population with its own characteristics and social organization, is the product of a long history. This indigenous population, the first inhabitants to arrive in…

‘Wake Up Call’: Rapidly Thawing Permafrost Threatens Trans-Alaska Pipeline

“The implications of this speak to the pipeline’s integrity and the effect climate change is having on pipeline safety in general.” Alaska’s thawing permafrost is undermining the supports that hold up an elevated section of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, putting in danger…

Supreme Court in Mexico declares cannabis prohibition unconstitutional

The Supreme Court of Mexico has ruled that the previously introduced legal ban on the use of cannabis was unconstitutional. The Courts judge called the declaration as historic in terms of respect for human rights.  By Amerika21 – Scoop.me Mexico’s…

I’ll take care of it

POEM         If you don’t want to love I’ll take care of it I will love.   If you don’t want to smile I’ll take care of it I will smile.   If you don’t want to…

Poetry Community as a Well of Ginhawa (Well-being) in these Pandemic Times

TALK/PRESENTATION   My talk can be summed up in three things: First, the context and my experience during this pandemic time. Second, the Well of Ginhawa, and its related metaphors. And third, how I started and built this poetry community.…

A Conversation about the Criminal Justice System in Sci-fi with Matthew Baker, Author of “Life Sentence”

INTERVIEW         Once I read the short story “Life Sentence” in Lightspeed Magazine, I decided to save it to my collections of short stories I should revisit. It was 2019, and Matthew Baker was on my radar.…

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