Science and Technology

This Is Your Covid-19 Wake-Up Call: It Is 100 Seconds to Midnight

Ineffectual Response to Pandemic Seen As Evidence of Government, Institutions and Public Lack of Readiness to Deal with Threats of Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change. The COVID-19 pandemic will end up killing well over two million people around the globe.…

Six ways to ‘reboot your brain’ after a hard year of COVID-19 – according to science

There’s no doubt that 2020 was difficult for everyone and tragic for many. But now vaccines against COVID-19 are finally being administered – giving a much needed hope of a return to normality and a happy 2021. However, months of…

World: Positive news in the difficult year of the pandemic

Is there any positive news in this era that was accompanied by the outbreak of a pandemic? Here are some news and texts that, as human beings, fill us with pride. Because, they allow us to move forward, breaking down…

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