This letter from Guledagudda’s Kanaves weavers was written on the occasion of handloom day and posted on the Khanaweaves social media:
“When the second wave of #COVID19 hit in May and June this year, we were suddenly in extreme distress. Because of people like you, our looms were running and we could tide over the economic crisis with dignity. We thank you very much for that. We are grateful to all the individuals and institutions that made it possible.

Under the banner of #Khanaweaves, along with handloom weavers from and around Guledgudda and like-minded friends, here is a list of activities that have been undertaken since April 2021.
- 25 families benefitted from selling the cloth they wove.
- 105 families received food kits through Khana Weaves with the support of Azim Premji Foundation, Indian Roots Foundation and Khana Weaves savings
- ₹9,50,000 worth of handloom cloth (Khana blouse pieces and sarees) was sold within a span of two months
The numbers above are a reflection of our engagement with a handful of weavers from the old weaving town of Guledgudda. These weavers were fortunate, no doubt, but all this was possible only because of your support.
Because of this small effort, many handloom weavers from around Guledgudda are now interested in teaming up with us. On the other hand, having experienced cruel ordeals due to #COVID, many weavers who returned from the cities are now afraid to go back. Many of them want to stay with their families and get back to weaving.
Even though these developments are encouraging, there are several challenges. Khana Weaves is interested in engaging with the weavers who have returned from the cities. We hope that in the coming days you will continue to participate in this endeavor. This is our effort of blurring the rural-urban divide. We believe that the survival of each one of us depends on this.
If you are interested in knowing more, please get in touch through email or phone number given below.”
@Ramesh Ayodi
Convener, Khana Weaves
Guledgudda, Bagalkot District
Ph: +91 8277719242
#KhanaWeaves ( )