Sunder Nagar is a residential colony that was set up between 1975 to 1980. It is situated in between Goregaon and Malad, a suburb of Mumbai, India and has a population of approximately 1,00,000 people. The colony has the Dr Radhakrishna School, Dalmia Degree College, a bank and a garden along with a playground. The Sunder Nagar lane has a footpath occupied by hawkers, while the sides of the road are choked with parked vehicles, forcing the pedestrians to use the road for walking. Sometimes the pedestrians are hit by speeding Motorbikes. A few days ago, one Ms Swati who works as a cook in the area was hit by one of the Motorbikes, and she was bedridden for 15 days.

The Humanist Centre, Malad decided to launch a signature campaign on 25 December 2021, asking the local authorities to provide much-needed speed breakers in the Sunder Nagar lane. With the target to reach 1000 signatures, we have the support of 200 signatures, and finally, the petition backed by 1000 signatures will be submitted to the Municipal Authorities for providing speed breakers on the road.

While doing the campaign the aim is also to get more volunteers to participate in our Humanist Centre, apart from their signatures as a support for the campaign. Accordingly, we are clarifying the people about the purpose and activities of the Humanist Centre. So far, we have enrolled 15 volunteers who have shown interest in the activities of the Humanist Centre. The signature campaign will be continued in the coming weekend.

Anyone interested in joining the activities is welcome to contact Sharath Salian at of +91-98-690-08320