Large crowds have been gathering across Britain this last few weeks to attend a series of rallies held by ‘Enough is Enough’, a new campaign focused on combatting Britain’s ongoing cost of living crisis. Announcing its inception at the beginning of August, Enough is Enough has met fertile ground for the reception of its message. Over 300,000 people immediately signed up to its website upon launch, and almost 200,000 people have followed the campaigns Twitter account. The rallies are further testament to the movement’s growing momentum, which in large part can be attributed to the appeal of its five demands that seek to offset the current deprivation of many currently struggling in Britain. These include:

    1. A real pay rise
    2. Slash energy bills
    3. End food poverty
    4. Decent homes for all
    5. Tax the rich

Attendees from a wide variety of backgrounds, such as trade union members and food bank volunteers, have gathered to listen to key figures within the movement outline these demands. Labour MP Zarah Sultana has spoken alongside Mick Lynch and Eddie Dempsey of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT). Crowds in Liverpool were also addressed by UFC fighter Molly McCann, who recalled her difficult upbringing living in poverty. The Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham delivered a speech to those in his home city, whilst a packed audience in Norwich on Tuesday came to listen to Jeremy Corbyn.

At the heart of all the speakers’ messages has been a common argument: a self-proclaimed working class, grassroots movement is needed to represent those most affected by the current cost of living crisis. This is precisely the hole that Enough is Enough intends to fill. By holding rallies, collecting food for those struggling to afford it, and by organising strikes and picket lines on its October 1 ‘National Day of Action’, Enough is Enough hopes to put pressure on decision-makers in Westminster.

For more information, visit their website here.