by Cathy D. Guillermo

The choice is made,

the journey long;

a new road waits

for me alone.


The book is closed,

another opens…

Hand of Fate

scribbles first words

on an empty page


Again, I am born,

never torn, never worn….

first robust cries

fill in the blanks—

new leaves sprout

from the first page of Spring.


A step,

a thought,

a word

to start anew.


What lies ahead?

I wish I knew.


It matters not where I choose to go…

Step by step,

thought by thought,

word for word,

this time I’d take it slow

and go with the flow,

carried as far as

where the winds may blow.


Where will I end

if I follow the bend?


Will I find a yes in the west

or a friend or a foe?

Will I feel at ease

or will life just cease

if I go east?

Shall I go forth to the north

or come out in the south?


Will I be dead in the end

if I reach a dead end?


What thousand deaths

we all have to die

when we bid goodbye

to live each moment

with new wings to fly.

About the poet:

Cathy D. Guillermo. Longtime copy-based Creative Director. Looks at wordplay as foreplay and wouldn’t want to be caught with her puns down. A closet photographer who loves cooking and designing her own furniture.