Al Arabiya

Ancient stone structures in Saudi Arabia older than previously thought

Peter Donnelly A significant archaeological discovery in Northwest Saudi Arabia shows a monumental, complex of structures called mustatils that are more ancient than previously believed, a specialist research body revealed Thursday. The Kingdoms Institute, the recently unveiled center for archaeological…

Kidnapped by ISIS, brainwashed and turned into a child soldier: A Yazidi’s story

By Jennifer Bell A former child soldier for ISIS has told Al Arabiya how he was kidnapped and recruited into the terrorist organization, revealing he was forced to convert to Islam and watch videos of brutal murders to train him…

From Eritrea to Tanzania, the world’s strictest – and most – relaxed lockdowns

Jennifer Bell A year into the coronavirus pandemic, and some remote parts of the world remain in some of the strictest lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus, according to the Government Response Stringency Index developed at Oxford University.…

What was behind the UAE’s mission to Mars?

The United Arab Emirates made history on Tuesday by becoming the first Arab nation, and the fifth worldwide, to send a probe to Mars. Officials have lauded the symbolic importance of the mission, which they say will inspire a new…

Lebanon’s racism is fanning the flames of violence towards Syrian refugees

Makram Rabah As Lebanon celebrated Christmas, a Syrian refugee camp in Miniyeh in the north of Lebanon was attacked by a group of local youths who set fire to tents amid clashes with residents. The number of violent incidents against…

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