Alicia Blanco

Humanista, co-directora de Pressenza.

Argentina. The government once again represses the Mapuche people

In the early hours of this morning (4), by order of the Ministry of National Security, a “unified command” made up of federal forces of prefecture, gendarmerie and federal police with the collaboration of the provincial police of Río Negro,…

“We are Bahá’is too”.

For weeks now, messages have been multiplying on social networks denouncing the repression and violation of human rights in Iran. Journalists, teachers, filmmakers, activists, etc. have been suffering persecution and arrests, seeing their homes demolished… or simply disappearing. Among them…

Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples: a Struggle for Everyone

Between 8 and 30 June, around 2,000 indigenous peoples camped out in Brasilia in front of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) – Brazil’s highest legal instance – to reject the application of the “temporary framework” in a case brought by…

“There is no justice for indigenous communities. That is the reality.”

On the 11th of August of 1994, section 17 (1) of the new article 75 which recognised the pre-existing indigenous villages, their culture, and the right of occupancy and property of their ancestral lands among others, was unanimously approved by…

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