Anderline Amamgbo

Anderline Amamgbo was born in 1991. She lives both in England and Italy. She is a translator, interpreter. Speaks 3 languages ​​namely Italian, English and Igbo. Former owner of a consulting agency and practices on immigration. For years, she deals with human rights, immigration, political and humanitarian issues, refugees and African history. She's member of Amnesty International, and also member of the European Solidarity Corps project of the European Commission and collaborator with the Italian association ADIF-Rights Association and Borders Currently author at Pressenza Italy.

Spain: Congress of Deputies asked not to consider prison officers as agents of authority

26 organisations ask the Congress of Deputies to backtrack and not to approve prison officers as agents of authority. They claim that the amendment proposed by UN Podemos and PSOE opens the door to the policeization of prison officers, as…

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