Angelo Baracca

Professor of Physics at the University of Florence, Italy. Writer and scientist specialising in nuclear matters; pacifist activist and ecologist. He writes for Pressenza about nuclear questions.

Sixty years ago the Cuban Missile Crisis erupted and nuclear war came close; Vasily Arkhipov saved the world.

On October 14, 1962, a U.S. U-2 spy plane flying over Cuba revealed that the Soviet Union was building ramps for the installation of missiles with nuclear warheads. President Kennedy immediately ordered a naval blockade of Cuba. The most serious…

To Swedish and Finnish citizens from Italy: NATO, if you know it you avoid it!

Open letter to Swedish and Finnish citizens men and women, and especially young people, who do not decide but will have the consequences of this decision about what joining NATO in 1949 meant for Italy. It is not easy to…

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