Aram Aharonian

Magister en Integración, periodista y docente uruguayo, fundador de Telesur, director del Observatorio en Comunicación y Democracia, presidente de la Fundación para la Integración Latinoamericana.

No Street, no Planalto

In Brazil, those who won in the first round of the elections are the ones who are most preoccupied with the uncertainty of the second round in three weeks’ time, which will determine whether former president Luiz Inacio Lula da…

Fear as an instrument of power

Political fear is an instrument of power and leaders use real or potential threats to ensure social control. by Aram Aharonian As soon as we are born, we are instilled with fear: the mantra of religions is precisely to frighten…

Petro and France, from magical realism and genocide to the Colombia of the possible

Gustavo Petro, an economist, former senator and ex-guerrilla of the April 19th Movement (M-19), and Francia Márquez, a black leader and environmentalist from a small rural town in Cauca, took office as president and vice-president of Colombia to promise that…

And when he woke up, China was still there

The world has changed, even if the large information and communication powerhouses in the hands of a few large companies would have us believe otherwise. By Aram Aharonian The war in Ukraine has put an end to the post-Cold War…

Apocalypse tomorrow

If one takes the trouble to review history, one discovers that we have always been like this: it is an avoidable apocalypse, or end times, though it is not easy or simple to do so, but setting to work towards…

Shitnews and fakenews, tools of the far right

Unlike other political and ideological currents, the extreme right and the so-called libertarians have been better able to read the changes in societies, take advantage of the weaknesses and cracks in liberal democracies and understand the advantages offered by new…

Change, does anything change: the progressive wave and the libertarian response?

The strong right-wing offensive of recent years in Latin America failed to stabilise a new situation; social and cultural fascisms grew but did not (yet) achieve a new hegemony, and the “democratic” imposition that US president Joe Biden intended for…

No one could deny Wikileaks reports, but the prisoner is Assange

The indecency of power and the manipulation of the collective imagination add up to the ignominious decision of UK Home Secretary Priti Patel, who authorised the extradition to the US of Australian whistleblower Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, accused by…

The day they wanted to kill, all at once, the dream and hope

What the coup against the constitutional government of Hugo Chávez on 11 April 2002 made clear was that the insurgents, civilian, religious, military, Venezuelan and foreign, did not count on the reaction of an unarmed people who took to the…

Why do we change the year if nothing changes?

It is true that there is no single unit of measurement, but at least four to count the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun: the Julian or calendar year, the sidereal year, the mean tropical…

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