Carolina Vásquez Araya

Periodista y editora con más de 30 años de experiencia, cuyos logros profesionales en el desarrollo de proyectos de gran éxito avalan sus cualidades de liderazgo, creatividad y relaciones públicas. Ha aportado sus conocimientos en proyectos de organizaciones con intereses orientados al desarrollo social, cultural y económico del país, con especial énfasis en el sector de cultura y educación, emprendimiento, derechos humanos, justicia, ambiente, mujeres y niñez. Chilena en Guatemala.

Statistical deception

We only know bits and pieces of information. The most important things are left in the dark. In developing countries, it often happens that the authorities decide public policies on the basis of the convenience of like-minded sectors. This manipulation…

A wide and foreign territory

Corporate voracity over dependent nations with corrupt governments. “You do what you want with the waters of my rivers, with the landscape of my land, with the air I breathe, with the health of my compatriots, with the honour of…

Parallel Realities

Nothing so disturbing as the fact of ignoring everything. “To apprehend reality by immersing oneself in it” was the motto of Ryszard Kapuscinski, the great Polish reporter whose time on this planet left a profound mark on journalism and on…

As if it were yesterday

It was 3 a.m. on February 4, 1976, when I was awakened by the first violent tremor. Something told me it wasn’t one of those tremors that pass without consequence; the sensation suddenly cleared my head. My 7-year-old daughter was…

Between reason and faith

We have been conditioned to believe, not to exercise reflection. Most of the actions projected from any sphere of authority in our social environment force us to accept myths, thoughts or decisions based on a truth about which, in general,…

Moral Traps

Discrimination against women is not a tradition, but a political instrument. The Dictionary of the Spanish Language, in its version updated to 2021, defines honour – among other meanings – as “Good opinion earned by honesty and modesty in women”.…

The sad childhood of the pandemic

Current living conditions place limits on childhood development. As my friend Susana said: “When we see children every day, we don’t realise how much their behaviour has changed. They are sad. This one-off observation has made me reflect on the…

A look into the distance

The spike in the number of infections, caused to some extent by the end-of-year gatherings and the confusion generated by insufficient and contradictory health measures, marks the beginning of a new page in the calendar. In some countries on the…

Lions in the ring

Trapped in a circus of doubts and promises, we do not foresee the outcome. I remember when the most exciting part of circus shows was the lion episode. Of course, in those days, the cruelty of such an act did…

#They will not silence us

No democratic system is sustainable without real freedom of expression. Few actions arouse greater fear in political and economic circles than the exercise of critical, independent, ethical and uncompromising journalism. This is why the visceral reactions of certain governments mired…

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