Latin-American Campaign for the Right to Education

Urgent appeal to protect education in emergencies

Conflicts, climate and environmental disasters and public health emergencies have a devastating impact on the right to education for millions of people. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges to fulfilling the human right to education were already enormous, with an…

Vernor Muñoz: “Education needs, first and foremost, state funding and not charity or philanthropy”.

Present at the World Education Meeting, organised by UNESCO, which brought together education leaders from 40 states, the Director of Policy and Advocacy of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), who is also a member of the Latin American Campaign…

Nelsy Lizarazo: “Youth and Adult Education continues to occupy a very secondary place in the agendas of the States”.

During the UNESCO sub-regional consultation for CONFINTEA VII, representatives of organisations such as CLADE, CEAAL and DVV presented their analyses of the context of Y&AE in Latin America and the Caribbean and the challenges for guaranteeing this educational modality as…

Civil society presents the challenges of the most invisible diversities of Y&AE

The education of young people and adults is not remedial, but an education that guarantees rights. The preparatory consultative event for Latin America held on the afternoon of 28 July its first meeting promoted by the Platform for Youth and…

ASPBAE Statement of solidarity with its members and the people of Myanmar

The Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) stands in solidarity with its members in Myanmar, the Thinking Classroom Foundation and Equality Myanmar, in their resistance to and condemnation of the coup d’etat staged by the Myanmar…

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) One Billion Voices for Education Campaign Launch

The COVID- 19 pandemic is affecting the education of more than one billion people. It is also worsening the existing global education financing crisis thereby impacting the progress of the entire Sustainable Development Agenda and specifically Sustainable Development Goal 4…

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