Centro Latinoamericano de Análisis Estratégico

El Centro Latinoamericano de Análisis Estratégico (CLAE-FILA), auspiciado por la Fundación para la Integración Latinoamericana, tiene su sede central en la ciudad de Montevideo. Cuenta con colaboradores e investigadores en todos y cada uno de los países de la región y alianzas con centros académicos y de investigación.

Work: The world of promises between despair and hope, the eternal neoliberal narrative

The global organisations of the UN system estimate that by 2022 there will be more than 207 million unemployed people, and that more than 800 million men and women around the world do not earn enough to lift themselves out…

Resignation and opportunism, the IMF and the manipulation of the Argentine debt issue

Now it is not only the usual establishment and International Monetary Fund (IMF) analysts who claim that “if Argentina does not accept this, it is off the planet”, but it is President Alberto Fernández himself, who until very recently blamed…

11F: The struggle of the feminist movement in the production of knowledge

by Lina Merino and Agustina Medina Every 11 February we remember the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” established by the United Nations in December 2015. The date represents an opportunity to rethink the current situation of women,…

The ten “truths” of Argentina’s agreement with the IMF: the Fund’s own version?

Without much shame, the government published “The 10 truths of the agreement with the Fund”, which gives the impression that it was written by the expert communicators of the International Monetary Fund itself, with a lot of experience in disguising…

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