Daniel Raventós

Es editor de Sin Permiso, presidente de la Red Renta Básica y profesor de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Barcelona. Es miembro del comité científico de ATTAC. Sus últimos libros son, en colaboración con Jordi Arcarons y Lluís Torrens, "Renta Básica Incondicional. Una propuesta de financiación racional y justa" (Serbal, 2017) y, en colaboración con Julie Wark, "Against Charity" (Counterpunch, 2018).

The “Diada” of 2022 and beyond: How long will you abuse our patience?

While the Community of Madrid is still in official mourning for the death of Queen Elizabeth II of England and the Sex Pistols’ song “God Save the Queen” is playing in some homes around the world, Catalonia’s national day, the…

“Basic Income would allow us to gain a social base that is essential to defeat fascism”. Interview with Daniel Raventós

Laure Vega conducted this interview for Catarsi magazine. We begin, as always, with a brief explanation of what Basic Income is and its defence from a republican perspective: Basic Income is a public, monetary, unconditional and universal allocation. It is…

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