Dario Ergas

Author and researcher from Punta de Vacas Park of Study and Reflection. Participates in communities of Silo's Message. www.darioergas.org

In the darkness of the night

A few events in the news are impacting our understanding of the current situation and have motivated me to write this piece. Putin annexes Ukraine’s Donbas region, while Ukraine reconquers other invaded cities and threatens to recapture Crimea. Putin declares…

A brief analysis of the categorical triumph of Rejection

Having believed exactly the opposite of what the election result showed, I thought that it would be the “I approve” that would be around 60%, I want to reflect on this error of assessment of the current moment. This result…

A historic process: thank you, constituents!

After a historic process where it was not the political class installed decades ago, but the nations that make up Chile who decided to give us a new Constitution; after a democratic and parity election; independent of the result, of…

Putin and Zelensky resign! I renounce war and nuclear weapons!

The title of this article has a problem: my renunciation does not prevent war and my request seems very much out of touch with reality. What is real, therefore, are wars and nuclear weapons to destroy human beings of all…

Elections in Chile 2021: The inspiration of a generation

I started writing this analysis on Sunday 19 December. I thought that a good analysis should not be affected by the conjunctural situation of an election. The atmosphere was expectant. Problems of locomotion to go to vote and a confrontation…

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