Edu Montesanti

Edu Montesanti is the author of Lies and Crimes of ‘War on Terror’ (Brazil, 2012; Mentiras e Crimes da ‘Guerra ao Terror’, original, highlighted in Sao Paulo International Book Fair). Edu is a freelance journalist for Pravda Brazil; writes for Pressenza, Orinoco Tribune (Venezuela), and Atlas Institute for International Affairs (London). Used to write for the Brazilian magazine Caros Amigos, Observatorio da Imprensa (Brazil), Pravda Report (Russia), Global Research (Canada), Telesur English (Latin America), Diario Liberdade (Spain), and Truth Out (U.S.). Edu used to translate for Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo's (Argentina), the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan's (RAWA), and Malalaï Joya’s website (Afghanistan). His researches have been published across the globe. Visit Edu’s website.

Chomsky: Brazil’s Former President Lula at Risk of Being Murdered

There have been several serious, growing threats to Brazil’s democracy since President Bolsonaro took power, in 2019. Last week, former President Lula da Silva got a death threat from a businessman in a video, with a big gun in his…

A ‘soft coup’ like the impeachment of Dilma by a bunch of corrupt gangsters on fraudulent grounds, can be underway”, says Chomsky exclusively, evaluating the secret Bolsonaro’s meeting with the C.I.A director.

“A military coup does not seem out of the question,” tells Noam Chomsky. President Jair Bolsonaro’s meeting with C.I.A. director William Joseph Burns, in Brasilia on July 1, was something at least “suggestive” according to Noam Chomsky, in an exclusive…

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