Fred Hageneder

Fred Hageneder is a naturalist who has written eight books on the ethnobotany of trees and on woodland ecology. Some of his work has been translated into ten languages (Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Polish, Czech, Estonian, and Japanese). Fred Hageneder is a founding member of the Ancient Yew Group (AYG), an independent research group working to protect ancient yews in the UK. His two monographs on the European yew have met with broad academic approval and generated invitations to appear as a speaker at congresses across the UK, Europe, and as far as Turkey. He works temporarily as external reader (Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California) or peer reviewer (University of Chicago Press) for ethnobotanical topics. Hageneder is a member of SANASI, a multidisciplinary international group of scientists who since 2013, with the support of the Open University, have been supporting indigenous uardians around the world to protect their natural refuges from land grabbing and destruction. Furthermore, he is a member of the Ecocentric Alliance, a network of university professors, ecologists, conservationists and activists advocating ecocentrism and deep green ethics. Fred Hageneder lives in Wales as an author, musician, graphic designer and lecturer.

Battle for the Earth: The Dangerous Deception of “Net Zero by 2050″. Part 3

The most dangerous deception for climate protection at the moment is “Net Zero 2050.” All the climate culprits – Big Oil and corporate-friendly governments – have been quick to adopt this as the new climate target, but it has two…

Battle for the Earth: The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Baffling Strategies (Part 2)

In his book, The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet, climatologist Michael E. Mann reports how powerful fossil fuel interest groups are still pouring millions of dollars into covert operations targeted to boycott meaningful climate action.…

Battle for the Earth: The baffling strategies of the fossil fuel industry Part1

Renowned climate scientist Michael E. Mann’s recent book, The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet, warns forcefully that powerful fossil fuel industry interest groups continue to pour hundreds of millions of dollars a year into covertly…

Honoring the life of James Lovelock, founder of the Gaia theory

As a tribute to James Lovelock, British scientist, ecological mastermind and founder of the Gaia theory, which has significantly influenced, among other things, modern climatology, we publish the following essay by Fred Hageneder. Lovelock was a remarkable chemist, physician and…

“Code Red”: Wake up and initiate real climate protection!

On 9 August 2021, the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report was published. The core message “Code Red” ignited in many countries, together with the information that we really only have this decade to turn the tide of climate destruction. But in…

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