Gerardo Femina

Former president of the Community for Human Development in Italy, engaged in social, political and cultural activity. For 20 years he has lived in Prague, where he was among the promoters of the campaign "Europe for Peace" and the protest against the so-called Missile Shield, that the United States wanted to install in the Czech Republic. He writes about politics and social matters. In recent years he has dedicated himself to the construction of the Park of Study and Reflection in the Czech Republic.

NATO’s responsibility for the war in Ukraine: Clinton’s weak defence

In an interview broadcast on CNN on Sunday 18 September, former President Clinton defended himself against frequent accusations that the Ukrainian crisis was the responsibility of NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe. It was under Clinton’s presidency that the Czech Republic,…

There is only one winner in the Ukrainian war: the US

Many are surprised by Russia’s sudden and violent reaction, which is to be expected if one pays attention to the processes and not just the details. Already in 2007, in the Europe for Peace declaration, it was said that Europe…

How many more lives does Europe want to sacrifice to extend NATO’s borders?

It is urgent to stop the war and put an end to the pain of the Ukrainian people. Russia must immediately withdraw its troops and stop the aggression against Ukraine. But how many more lives is Europe willing to sacrifice…

US-German gas trade war: the US trap

Let’s face it: if the price of gas is rising, if families can’t pay their bills, if industries are being forced to close down, if we are living this nightmare today, it is because of a trade war that the…

Ukraine: Let’s give Peace a Chance!

Tensions between the US and the Russian Federation are evolving in a worrying way. Russia is deploying its troops while NATO expansion is threatening an already unstable balance. And Ukraine, already torn apart by civil war, finds itself at the…

The role of NATO, Europe and the invisible people in the conflict in Ukraine

The tensions in Ukraine between the United States and some of its allies on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other are developing within a very complex context, where several factors play an important role. There is…

Europe for Peace. Stop the war in Ukraine

The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine between the United States and its allies, on the one hand, and the Russian Federation, on the other, must be stopped immediately. The consequences of a conflict in Ukraine would be disastrous. That…

The US embargo against Cuba. Interview with Cuban Ambassador to the Czech Republic

For more than 60 years, a US economic embargo has hit Cuba and several UN resolutions have not been enough to put an end to these sanctions. The issue is also very topical because thanks to the numerous solidarity missions…

Cuba: the embargo, the vaccine, the right to health and the white rose

A few days ago I met with Alonso Mederos, the Cuban Ambassador in Prague, for an interview on the topic of the pandemic and vaccines. Cuba is working intensively, testing five vaccines, two of which are already in phase III.…

Cuban Vaccine Ready in July. Interview with the Cuban Ambassador to the Czech Republic

Mr Danilo Alonso Mederos, Cuban ambassador in Prague, gave us this interview on the subject of the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccines and the right to health. All over the world there is a struggle to win the Covid-19 pandemic. There are…

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