Howard Richards

Howard Richards is a philosopher of Social Science who works with the concepts of basic cultural structures and constitutive rules.

Economic Theory and Community Development: Why Putting Community First is Essential to our Survival

The new book by Howard Richards with the assistance of Gavin Andersson.  Foreword by Evelin Lindner.  Lake Oswego OR: Dignity Press, 2022.  Available on Amazon and other sites as a print book and as a Kindle ebook. Review by Michael…

Why Are Humans Fighting Other Humans when We Are Facing Extinction as a Species?

For critical thinkers, the cascading consequences of the Ukraine war are redundant proofs of what they already knew before the war: there are no solutions to humanity´s principal problems inside the framework of the basic legal and ethical structures of…

Does Gabriel Boric Have the Answer?

Who is Gabriel Boric?  He is the recently elected 35-year-old President of Chile. What is the question to which Gabriel Boric might have the answer? It is:  “How can the tide be turned so that social democracy, which is now  at…

Ending Poverty by Rethinking Thinking

First Premise:  “There is nothing new about poverty. What is new is that we now have the techniques and the resources to get rid of poverty. The real question is whether we have the will.”  –Martin Luther King Jr. Second…

Ruling Out Social Democracy as an Option – And a Way to Rule it Back In

A decisive misunderstanding prolonging today´s mega crisis is the lingering belief that social democracy, as it existed in Europe during the thirty glorious years after World War II, and in a different form in the USA during the four terms…

A Proposal to Humanity: A Path to Surviving Today`s Megacrisis

After World War II it was widely believed that the formula for peace, dignity, and sustainable prosperity for every sister and brother in the human family, had been discovered.  The formula was often called “Development.”  Its ingredients included the steady…

A Call to Practice an Ethic of Care by Sharing Surplus

Given the institutions that today´s dominant economic science and today´s prevailing common sense assume, sustainable good jobs for everybody, paid for by the wage funds created by the sale of products the employees contribute to making, will never happen. There…

What is Economics?

1. Another formulation of the same question would be What does the voice “economics” do? 2. Or what are we doing with that voice? 3. I start from the assumption that every time we open our mouths to articulate words,…

Fratelli Tutti and the Great Reset

Pope Francis on October 3, 2020, released at a ceremony at the tomb of St. Francis in Assisi his latest encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti. Less than four months previously, Klaus Schwab and his co-author Thierry Malleret launched Covid-19: The Great…

Who are we? Where are we going? How will we get there?

It may help to precede my answers with a methodological remark, starting from Heidegger`s Jedes Fragen ist ein Suchen (Every question is a seeking). (Sein und Zeit (Being and Time), on or near p. 5 in every German or English…

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