IDN InDepthNews

IDN-InDepthNews serves as flagship of the International Press Syndicate (INPS) and its partner, the Global Cooperation Council. The INPS Group respects and values race, gender, nationality and cultural differences.

Full Gender Equality Still Centuries Away, Warns New UN Report

The latest available Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 data show that the world is not on track to achieving gender equality by 2030. At the current rate of progress, it may take close to 300 years to achieve full gender equality, according…

A Four-Week Festival of Double Standards

Hypocrisy & Outright Lying by Nuclear-armed States By Jackie Cabasso (IDN) — The 10th NPT Review Conference didn’t fail because it couldn’t produce a final document. It failed because the nuclear-armed states haven’t made good on their fundamental nuclear disarmament…

Weaponizing Nonviolence: A change of tactics required in Ukraine

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power. Nonviolence can get you a long way, often further than violence. Look at Mahatma Gandhi whose movement compelled the British to withdraw from India years before they planned to. His famous long march to the sea…

A conflict over Ukraine embroils four of the world’s major nuclear powers

By Thalif Deen for InDepthNews. The spiraling crisis in Ukraine has an ominous underlying fact: it is a conflict that involves four of the world’s major nuclear powers: the US, Russia, UK and France, with the remaining five, namely China,…

North Korea, Perpetual Victim of the US Military-Industrial Complex

By Alice Slater for InDepthNews. It seems hard to believe that in these possible end times in the midst of a global pandemic with an endless succession of catastrophic climate disasters and thousands of nuclear weapons poised and pointed in…

Israel and the Biggest Single Misthink in Western History

BETHLEHEM (IDN) — Perhaps the biggest single misthink in Western history is best understood by standing in the town square of Bethlehem, allowing one’s gaze to pass over the roof top of the Church that covers the stable where Jesus…

Achieving The Possible Against the Odds: “A Middle East Nuclear and WMD Free Zone”

By Tariq Rauf [1] In normal times, the second session of the “United Nations Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction”, scheduled to take place from 29 November…

Nuclear Weapons Have Always Been Illegal; It’s Long Past Time to Abolish Them

“History is written by the victors. Thus, the heinous massacre that was Hiroshima has been handed down to us as a perfectly justified act of war…. It is clear that the use of nuclear weapons, which cause indiscriminate mass murder…

Ecology & Economics: Humanity Has Reached A Critical Decade

Viewpoint by John Scales Avery* A new report, published on March 14, 2021 in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ journal Ambio [] points out that humanity is hurtling towards destruction unless we have the collective wisdom to change course…

A Three-Day Event in Italy to Set the Stage for UN Food Systems Summit

By Jaya Ramachandran Under the leadership of UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the Pre-Summit of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit from July 19 to July 21 will bring together worldwide efforts and contributions aiming…

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