Javier Tolcachier

Javier Tolcachier is a researcher from the World Centre of Humanist Studies, an organism of the Humanist Movement. Mail: javiertolcachier@disroot.org Twitter: @jtolcachier

“Nonviolent Journalism” book presented at the Open World Meeting of New Humanism 2021

And, by the way, Press people in contact with daily tragedy are today in a position to act in a humanist direction…” Silo. Letters to my friends. With this significant phrase Nelsy Lizarazo began the presentation of the book “Nonviolent…

First Continental Conference on Trade Union Communication: In search of convergence of popular communication

The First Continental Conference on Trade Union Communication, which took place between 27 and 29 October, dedicated its second day to the theme of Popular Communication. As stated in the Road Map collectively debated within the different centres and sectors…

For the Right to an Internet with Rights

It is essential to analyse more precisely what are the intentions and processes that underlie the installation of the current techno-digital model, what are its main impacts and its possible future. by Javier Tolcachier There is no doubt that the…

Digital capitalism, the new face of corporate anti-humanism

The supposed advantages of the digital economy have not decreased the pre-existing inequality, but rather deepened it. By Javier Tolcachier As is well known, capitalism is going through an accelerated phase of technological reconversion, the main element of which is…

Runasur: A project for cohesion in a fragmented world

“Let us live as brothers and sisters, united in one body. Let us take care of the protection and preservation of the Spaniards, Creoles, mestizos, Zambos and Indians because we are all compatriots, born in these lands and of the…

Evo Morales to talk to Latin American communicators about RUNASUR

On Monday 2 August at 10 am (Bolivia), the Foro de Comunicación para la Integración de NuestrAmérica (FCINA) will interview Evo Morales Ayma, in the framework of the launch of the communication ecosystem of RUNASUR -the UNASUR of the Peoples-,…

The rebellion of the Latin American peoples and the future

The historic victory of Pedro Castillo as president-elect of Peru strengthens in geopolitical terms the wing of progressive and left-wing governments and the actions of regional integration of a sovereign and supportive nature in the region. Beyond the virulent counter-attack…

Ecuador Faces a Make-or-Break Election

In the presidential run-off election that will take place on 11 April, Ecuadorians face the choice between betting on a progressive candidate or having to put up with four years of a business oriented government, linked to finance and the…

The World Centre for Humanist Studies is organising its 8th Symposium “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural exchanges from a world in crisis”.

Interview with Daniel León, member of the organising team of the 8th International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies. From the 16th to the 18th of April, under the slogan “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural…

Javier Tolcachier: Alternative communication from Pressenza’s experience

Within the framework of the Cycle of Debates on Alternative Communication, Pressenza editor, Javier Tolcachier, spoke this Thursday about the agency’s communication experience. These seminars on critical education and against neoliberalism in education are organised by the International Research Centre…

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